@Incognito - LOL, so it was easy for me to disassociate because my family was dysfunctional, like so many weren't in the cult. Come on man. If you listened to my story you know how hard it was but I needed to do it, and you probably don't know all the reasons why so let's not act like you know.
Time and time again I've supported a person disassociating on here. I also support fading. You don't get the same going both ways. Maybe you're the odd one, but every thread about disassociating devolves into this brought on by faders that can't respect the decisions of others. Don't judge my stance by one set of posts in one discussion. I'm often the lone supporter of anyone coming here wishing to disassociate.
I'm not butthurt, I'm actually on topic from the OP. I do know what it's like though to seek support only to run up against this. I did this very thing when I sought to disassociate and it would have been nice to have support. Instead I just got the same trolling, and I'm glad I didn't listen.
I have been far more supportive than most. You're lecturing the wrong person. In fact, I'm supporting the OP, something most aren't. Props to you if you can see past your own emotions to do the same.
Disassociation is a tough enough decision without everyone discouraging you from doing it when you've chosen that as your path.