Thanks Lehaa, good to know that (love your posts)
Awwwww shucks thanks
i wonder what the profiles of these people are.
the fact is that every sentence they write is taken by over 6 000 000 people almost as a word of god.
(in fact most of us here, i would imagine, at one time or another felt the same).
Thanks Lehaa, good to know that (love your posts)
Awwwww shucks thanks
hi all aussies and others, .
i've been further contacted by the media.
the channel 9 sunday program is definately going ahead with it's follow up the covering up of paedophillia in the jw organisation.
sorry but need as much help with this as possible.
i just got a pm from mouthy/grace/granny and she is not feeling up to par these days..... her arthritis and diabetes is acting up..... can you please send her a special prayer or thought her way..... we all know she well worth it..... .
hope you get well real soon...... .
love morty..... i have thoughts being sent to you granny and i hope you feel better real soon......
Sending you a big kiss and cuddle and hope your feeling better soon.
i am 20 years old and i left the organization when i was 17. there are of course many gorey details which i will not get into right now... but i just wanted to say how happy i am to have found this fourm.
as many of you remember, we were always instructed not to read anything about jehovah's witnesses that wasn't written by the organization.
well, that instruction stuck, and this is the first time i three years that i have dared to even look.. needless to say, i found some very disturbing information.
Welcome Krystal,
It's amazing what you find out once we remove the organisation issued blinkers.
You'll discover a lot more.
It's a bit of a bumpy ride but al least your with friends.
theres a new girl and her brothers down here from kansas until may.
she sounds fun, from what i've met at the gathering last night.
shes looking for a guy.
leave the poor girl alone. As an ex dub, i got sick of guys just hanging around pretending to be good dubs. If she's looking she's probably looking for a nice strong witness boy, which i guess you are not.
Move away from the girl.
By the way this is no disrespect of your character, I'm sure you are a really nice guy, but leave her alone.
i wonder what the profiles of these people are.
the fact is that every sentence they write is taken by over 6 000 000 people almost as a word of god.
(in fact most of us here, i would imagine, at one time or another felt the same).
My grandmother used to write the special interest articles for the Australian Bethel. She is a very intelligent woman, has a great sense of humour too, but is still very brainwashed and controlled by the borg.
had other things to deal with.. .
i was just wonder ing whose going to the memorial this year.. i got this email from my uncle today and i've decided i'm going only so my kids can see their family.
if you love jehovah miss your extended family want your children to have everlasting life its not hypocritical.
yeah well i did'nt go after all, just emailed my uncle to show my disapointment that they have chosen to shun me. Feel a lot better now. Plus I have not heard back at all
It's amazing how therapidic the real truth is.
hi all aussies and others, .
i've been further contacted by the media.
the channel 9 sunday program is definately going ahead with it's follow up the covering up of paedophillia in the jw organisation.
thanks bikerchick
albert einstein goes to a party and he asked everyone he met their respective iq.
to those who had above 140 he said: "we?ll talk about the great unification theory and the mysteries of the universe... we have much to discuss about!!!
to those over 120 he said: "we?ll talk about international relations, anti semitism and the future of the world... we have much to discuss about!!!
that's funny
hi all aussies and others, .
i've been further contacted by the media.
the channel 9 sunday program is definately going ahead with it's follow up the covering up of paedophillia in the jw organisation.
Hi all aussies and others,
I've been further contacted by the media. The Channel 9 Sunday program is definately going ahead with it's follow up the covering up of paedophillia in the JW organisation.
She's intersted in talking to people who have been abused or have tried to do something about it and have come up against the usual obsticals.
She has asked me to give you all her contact detail so you can talk to her directly about this
Her name is Kirstine Lumb
you can email her at [email protected]
Her direct line is (02) 9965 2477. That's an Australian number.
Please contact her as we neet to protect the poor children who are still being put through theese terrible crimes.
Lehaa. xoxo.