I think I might try to date a JW girl

by tsunami_rid3r 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • tsunami_rid3r

    Theres a new girl and her brothers down here from Kansas until May. She sounds fun, from what I've met at the gathering last night. Shes looking for a guy. lol.

    And my prom date won't go farther than friends with me, which sucks because I'd like a relationship for some reason I don't know.

    Well if I ask to do something with her over the weekend, like take her to the mall, she might tell her aunt and we could have a chaperone. Or I could hang out with her brother to get closer to her, which just seems wrong to me.

    How the heck should I approach this?

  • lilbit

    Hmmm. If all you want to do is get to know her anyway why not just ask her out, so what if you have a chaperone it doesnt realy matter on early dates anyway.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    Should I make friends with her brother or what?

  • the_classicist

    For one thing, you DO NOT start a friendship with her brother when all you want to do is date his sister. I don't know where to start when talking about how wrong that is.

    Just do what Lilbit said and don't worry about it.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    Right thats what I thought. I only talked with him a little at last nights gathering and hung out with his sister a little more. Hope that works out.

    EDIT: You know what, I've never had this kind of situation. If I do talk to her brother or he talks to me, should I mention at all that I want to hook up with his sister. He did mention to me last night, that the only reason they had the gathering was for her to look for boys.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Are you a dub?


  • Stephanus

    I've never thought it's a good idea to date someone in order to convert them, in whichever direction.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    No, I'm the dude going to prom with a date and going to college. But I still have to attend meetings just to keep the parents happy and supporting me, and to keep the elders out of our damn business. lol.

  • GetBusyLiving

    You are the artist formerly known as 'crizlee' right? What are you doing still messing around with dubs man?


  • tsunami_rid3r

    She's hot and could be loyal.

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