We all know Brooklyn has a cuckoo clock.
Absolutely hillarious, I nearly wet my self laughing. LOL
Thanks El Kabang
hey guys, .
was just wondering what is your worst jw buzzword.
probably all of us hate the "just leave it in jehovah's hands.
We all know Brooklyn has a cuckoo clock.
Absolutely hillarious, I nearly wet my self laughing. LOL
Thanks El Kabang
hey guys, .
was just wondering what is your worst jw buzzword.
probably all of us hate the "just leave it in jehovah's hands.
"Yes, but you must understand the organisation is run by imperfect people." then they judge and throw out other imperfect people. If we have to make allowances for the elders then why can't they make allowances for us.
"Jehovah will sort it out in the end, just have faith", yeah the faith to stand back and watch while they ruin innocent peoples lives.
And my favourite. "At least being in the truth is better that being out there in the world"
My mother- in- law's favourite " Don't you want to be saved at armagedon" Last time she said that to me i just fired bac "Well i hope that's not the only reason you stay in the truth of you'll have quite a rude shock when you get ther."
my favorite coffee is starbucks house blend decaf and starbucks columbian.
i mix those two together equally, and make it really strong, like expresso.
i boil one large cup of water, dump in 4 heaping teaspoons of expresso grind, then pour it through a strainer.
I normally just use Moccona medium roast in my perculator. For a special treat i like vanille coffe, but you have to make it quite strong.
I just bought myself a great new perculator the other day. It 's called a Russell Hobbs Take 2.
You can either make coffee into a insulated thermos or into two or one insulated commuter mugs. The thermos and comuter mugs came with it. Its great because it does not have a heat plate so the coffee does not become bitter. It was really cheap only AU$50.
I love it.
me and the csg took off yesterday and went to cedar hill state park..just for a little camping and food over the fire.. oh and since we're talking about camping...i have this big blue bag (the magic bag) that i keep most of my camping utensils in...and stuff i find or think i might need someday while out and about in the woods..my favorite thing to find in the magic bag is there's still some popcorn to pop leftover from last time!....what's in your magic bag?.
district overbeer "prodigal sassquatch" class
Nappies, baby wipes, change of clothes,dummies, bottles. Nothing like camping with little kids.
Stingoes, bug spray, nail clippers(hate breaking a nail without them)
Trakkie pants and beer. Two essentials when camping. Oh and of course matches.
Oh and a plastic bottle. Get a knife, slice off the top of the bottle to make a small cup, very useful, cut some holes in the bottom, just small ones will do, now pack the bottom of the bottle with peat moss, that lovely green moist stuff, scrunch it down, next place a layer of last nights embers from the fire on top of the moss, then more moss compressing it down still further then another layer of embers, from your plastic cup, (the other end), scoop up water from where you can find it and pour it through the mixture, then placing same cup underneath to catch the drips, guarantee your water will be not only fresh but also purified too.For us modern girls, Britta do a water bottle with a filter in it. Only cost about AU$10. I have three, never go anywhere without one.
no, not farhenheit 911...geesh, i was talking about the remake of the stepford wives...i really enjoyed it.. also, tnt is doing a remake of salem's lot airing this sunday and monday...should be good.. .
anymore i need to be aware of?
Saw Shrek 2 last night, loved it.
My favourite movies are anything with morgan freeman in them, kiss the girls, etc.
I also love Anything with Ashleigh Judd in it also.
My favoirite movie at hte miment is "The Story Of Us", with Bruce Willis and Michelle Pfiffer.
Any one else seen it, was thinking of starting a high low poll at the end of every week.
Anyone interested.
okay, it seems it's high time we had another thread like this!.
for serious reading, i have exceptions to the rulers by amy goodman (goes great with fahrenheit 911!
)the curse of adam by bryan skyles (i think) (it predicts the extinction of males.
Along Came A Spider by James Patterson.
Have read Kiss the girls; and Jack and Jill. Going to try to read the whole series. Just love Murder Mysteries.
on your marriage today .
i hope the wedding will be as beautiful as all your plans and with no disruptions .
best wishes to both of you today and always
I just know you'll have a great day.
Hope you have a nice relaxing honeymoon. Hurry back with the photos.
I just love weddings. Always make me cry.
which books helped you when you first left the jw organisation?.
and if in australia, where can i get them?.
also what exactly does "the borg" mean?
will have a look at the library next week. Not realy sure about borowing it though. Have a witness Auntie who works for the library in my area and I don't want her to find out that I'm reading it. Have thought about getting a friend to borrow it for me though.
i had quit wearing nail polish because it chips, etc.
but i happened to buy revlon's new "10-day system" for $5.99 for two bottles: the color and the top coat.. i did a french manicure and it has lasted with nary a chip or peel for 7 days now!
and i've scrubbed stuff, done dishes, washed my car and on & on it lasts!.
I will definately have to go get some. Does it come in purple, got a bit of a thing for purple at the moment.
thanks for the kind welcome, everyone.
you all know how to make a guy feel right at home.
thanks.. i guess i should tell you a little bit about myself.
Welcome to the board.
Sounds like your friend is pretty messed up.
I personally would not have any buisness dealing with witnesses. Most unreliable and use the friendship thing badly.
My dad was working for a JW, he treated my dad so badly that it caused him to have a nervous breakdown. I hope you sort out your problem before it effects you too badly.
welcome again.