I bought my first antique Singer treadle-machine when I was 14, and learned to sew with that, much to the Chagrin of my parents.......Then I bought a regular Electric a few years later. Now I still have an old treadle machine, and a Singer feather weight.
Ok I'm Jealous, would love one of those antique machines. Would look great in my house too, Old cottagy weatherboard place.
I have done a little machine quilting, but would love to someday make a quilt completely from scratch, all hand-stitched.
Would love to make a quilt too, will machine stitch it though, dont have the patience for hand stitching. Never had the time though. Now I no longer waste my time at meetings etc. will have the time now. Will definately have to get my sewing room organised again.
Would love to see some of your quilts.
Any body else done any quilting, would love to see them.