Thank's gadget.
Can anybody else out there help.
help, i'd really like to read this article but my references don't go back that far, does any body have it.. g56 5/8 25-6. .
thank's lehaa.
Thank's gadget.
Can anybody else out there help.
What kind of work do you eventually want to do with all theese fantastic qualifications.
help, i'd really like to read this article but my references don't go back that far, does any body have it.. g56 5/8 25-6. .
thank's lehaa.
Help, i'd really like to read this article but my references don't go back that far, does any body have it.
g56 5/8 25-6
Thank's Lehaa.
i'm feeling really good today.. i had lunch with prisca yesterday, it was really great.
we talked about the reasons we both left the borg, it was really great to talk to someone face to face about everything.
the best thing is she only lives 10 minutes away from me, how great is that.. she moved to melbourne about 12 months ago.
hopefully i'll be seeing them all this weekend and will give you all an update. will post photos too
i guess he was hungry.... the funny thing about this guy is that he's small...and he was able to eat way more hotdogs than big guys 2 times his weight.
I think I'd be sick, yuk would feel bloated for days.
How much coke did he get to wash it down with
emily was giving me a goodby hug when they were leaving.
ken p.
She is so cute, how old is she. She looks about 2-3
i'm feeling really good today.. i had lunch with prisca yesterday, it was really great.
we talked about the reasons we both left the borg, it was really great to talk to someone face to face about everything.
the best thing is she only lives 10 minutes away from me, how great is that.. she moved to melbourne about 12 months ago.
You must have her introduce you to Refiner's Fire.
Are they in Melbourne?
i'm not sure if this will work, but my mother-in-law sent us a link with pictures from the wedding.
hopefully you can view them.
you may have to copy & paste the link:.
Graeat Pics. Thanks for sharing.
now that should be fun.. hubby and i have not been to a meeting or associating in any way for 2 years now, we get shunned for that!.
anyhow, this x dub and his never-been-a-dub wife...............he left his dub wife (can't blame him really)...........are people we enjoy spending time with.
after hubby and i left the borg we have got together a few times and shared wine, laughter and stories of how the wts has hurt us.. tonight i got a call from his wife inviting us to his surprise birthday dinner at a fantastic restaurant on the weekend.
Hope you have a ball.
My ex and I went to a few new year parties and christmas parties, was a hoot. Every one knew we shoulden't have been there, was really funny, we felt like naughty school kids.
Have fun, wish him happy birthday for me.
i'm getting married.. date not set, but it'll be sometime in the summer 2004, right here in toronto.. uh-huh...and it'll be a big party!.
who is the lucky person?
his name is drew, and he's an american.
Wishing you all the best for the future.