I don't know any JW's who have homeschooled, but I do know lots of non-JW's who do. IMO, the people who homeschool their children are either 1) overprotective to the "nth" degree or 2) extremely controlling. How in the heck do these people (the ones that I know personally) think they can homeschool their kids when they BARELY have a high school diploma? One couple I know of even is homeschooling their kids through COLLEGE!! Give me a break! These kids are going to be SO ill-equipped to deal with life it isn't even funny!
JoinedPosts by irishayes
by mkr32208 inthis is a pet peeve of mine!
how in the heck can the school board justify turning the education of anyone over to some jacka$$ that dropped out of school to pioneer and makes their living cleaning toilets!
how can any parent that truely loves their kid not take a good long look at themselves and say "i am not the best teacher for this child.
I'm a new churchgoer, communion question
by pennycandy ini've only in the last month started attending a non-denominational church.
i was absolutely shocked by what i experienced, and not because of the lightening i thought might strike me down as i crossed the threshhold.
while many were attentive and friendly, no one pried into my religious history, or tried to railroad me into coming back.
Penny, I belong to a non-denominational church. Actually, our church is a member of the IFCA (Independent Fundamental Churches of America). Do you know whether the church you have been attending is part of this? Anyway, what will probably happen is that a plate of unleavened bread (crackers) will be passed up and down the aisles. You don't have to be a member to partake--just a believer. In the ND church, usually everyone holds on to the elements until the pastor is served by the elders. Then everyone partakes at the same time. Then the wine (juice) is passed around in the same manner. Our pastor always reminds everyone that communion is open to all believers--but if there is something in your life that you need to get right with God, you should refrain from taking communion until you have confessed and can come to the Lord's Table with a clear conscience. Does that answer your questions? Ruth
"I remember one stupid employee was so rude. One of the kids was looking at a ball, and she told him he wasnt allowed to play with the toys. Actually she yelled at him. I thought it to be rude, becuase i was standing right next to him, and he wasnt playing with it, we were looking at it to purchase it, anyways we put the ball back and left all of our stuff in the cart at the toy department and left." OMG Stephanie, this happened to my kids, too! There must be a Wal-Mart DIRECTIVE that says "DON'T LET THE KIDS PLAY WITH THE BALLS!" Also, WHENEVER I ask someone for help at WalMart, they make NO effort to check on something, just give the standard line "if it's not on the shelf . . ." GRrrrrr! My vote is for Target!
what is the rapture?
by candidlynuts ini dont recall hearing the term as a jw.. and i've never been anything else.. but since i started reading online some i've seen that term mentioned in context of the great tribulation.
is it bible based?
is it called something else in the nwt?.
This belief is taken from the book of Luke 17. In verse 26, Jesus is talking about the days of the Son of Man: Luke 17:26 Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. Luke 17::30-36 "It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. 31On that day no one who is on the roof of his house, with his goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. 32Remember Lot's wife! 33Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. 34I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. 35Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left."
Whoopi got Whooped!
by Yerusalyim inslim fast ran fast after whoppi's little vulgar display...she's no longer their spokeswoman.
fair or foul, and why!
"If this is going to be the tone of Mr. Kerry's Presidency then the country will be back in the same gutter in which Clinton wallowed." Agreed, Shutterbug. They won't release video of the whole affair, because it would reveal just what Kerry and Edwards were supporting that night. IMO, presidental candidates should distance themselves from this garbage--not be involved in the middle of it. C'mon guys, let's raise the bar, not lower it!
Man loses license after telling doctor about drinking. WTF????
by closer2fine inanyone else have a problem with this?.
http://www.cnn.com/2004/law/07/13/beer.drinkers.license.ap/man loses license after telling doctor about drinking.
tuesday, july 13, 2004 posted: 6:54 pm edt (2254 gmt).
What about those people who are required to take meds that say you should not operate machinery while on this med? Are their doctors going to report them, too? Will the DMV take their licenses away simply because they are on meds that might impair them IF they drive? Isn't the doctor assuming this man is LYING about whether he drinks and drives? This is nuts!
Whoopi got Whooped!
by Yerusalyim inslim fast ran fast after whoppi's little vulgar display...she's no longer their spokeswoman.
fair or foul, and why!
Well what do you know? There ARE consequences to your actions, after all!
Comments please?
by irishayes ini am still having an ongoing conversation with a couple of jw's on my medical message board and when i commented about the requirement of a number of hours of witnessing, this is the response i got.
is she being truthful?.
"in all the years that i have been a jehovah's witness,never once has anyone put any pressure on me to do a required amount of time in the preaching work.any time i spend speaking to people about the bible is spent because i want to do it' because i want to try my best to follow the example of jesus and his early followers-acts.5.42, acts 20.20,i believe that jehovah god wants me to be a part of this preaching work mathew 24.14, ".
Well, I figured it was going to happen sooner or later.
I posted a couple of your replies to show that the hours requirement IS factual, and I got my posts deleted because I am "bashing" someone else's religion. ARRRGGGH!
Comments please?
by irishayes ini am still having an ongoing conversation with a couple of jw's on my medical message board and when i commented about the requirement of a number of hours of witnessing, this is the response i got.
is she being truthful?.
"in all the years that i have been a jehovah's witness,never once has anyone put any pressure on me to do a required amount of time in the preaching work.any time i spend speaking to people about the bible is spent because i want to do it' because i want to try my best to follow the example of jesus and his early followers-acts.5.42, acts 20.20,i believe that jehovah god wants me to be a part of this preaching work mathew 24.14, ".
Well, I figured it was going to happen.
Comments please?
by irishayes ini am still having an ongoing conversation with a couple of jw's on my medical message board and when i commented about the requirement of a number of hours of witnessing, this is the response i got.
is she being truthful?.
"in all the years that i have been a jehovah's witness,never once has anyone put any pressure on me to do a required amount of time in the preaching work.any time i spend speaking to people about the bible is spent because i want to do it' because i want to try my best to follow the example of jesus and his early followers-acts.5.42, acts 20.20,i believe that jehovah god wants me to be a part of this preaching work mathew 24.14, ".
I am still having an ongoing conversation with a couple of JW's on my medical message board and when I commented about the requirement of a number of hours of witnessing, this is the response I got. Is she being truthful?
"In all the years that i have been a Jehovah's Witness,never once has anyone put any pressure on me to do a required amount of time in the preaching work.Any time i spend speaking to people about the bible is spent because I want to do it' because i want to try my best to follow the example of Jesus and his early followers-Acts.5.42, Acts 20.20,I believe that Jehovah God wants me to be a part of this preaching work Mathew 24.14, "
maybe ,if you didnt read so much apostate things you would not be so confused about what jehovahs people really believe, you seem very mixed up in your understanding of what jehovahs witness believe.still i am sure you must be happy in your religion the same way that i am happy in mine .by the way our stand on abstaining from blood has always stood .