
by mkr32208 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    This is a pet peeve of mine! How in the heck can the school board justify turning the education of ANYONE over to some jacka$$ that dropped out of school to pioneer and makes their living cleaning toilets! How can any parent that truely loves their kid not take a good long look at themselves and say "I am not the best teacher for this child." Why dont' the elders step in and say "you are too stupid to teach anyone anything! Hell you can't even READ now sit the f*ck down." Most of these kids DON'T stay in the "truth" so what are they going to do to LIVE!?

    I just heard that 3 kids in my old hall are "graduating" from homeschool this year I KNOW that two of them can't read. I also know that their parents were doing their homework and assignments (and barely managing to pass LOL!) These kids probrably have a combined "classroom" time of 6 hours a month between the 3 of them! Their parents also allow them to count "service" time as school time! They arent' exactly doing a stellar job in service either. They can't conduct bible studies as they CAN'T READ! They can't do personal study as their parents have to read the lit. to them! They go out and "play" at service (you know drive from one side of the territory to the other without talking to anyone) This is criminal!!!!!! In Duval county if your kid skips school and you as a parent know about it they will come and ARREST YOU! What is the difference! When I left some of the homeschoolers were having to be taught to read at "watchtower classes" on sunday after the meeting because they couldn't read at the meetings or conduct service groups because they couldn't read the text!!!! These kids had ALREADY GRADUATED!!!

    DUDE WTF!!!!!!!!!!!

    mark of the- yes I would like fries with that- class

  • bebu

    Well, I'm wondering how far a homeschool graduation will get them, if it doesn't have some kind of official test of sorts. Eg, GED. If they sat for that, they could be considered to have a high school diploma. If they try to take an ACT or SAT, they will discover suddenly how little they know. I'm sure employers will be reaaaaal impressed with their basic skills.

    It's a real pity. The kids certainly deserve better. As it is, unless they have some real character, they will likely have to live off mom and pop all their lives.


    Of the I can't believe I'm going to homeschool one of my kids from this January class.

  • roybatty

    I'm not a fan of homeschooling in the sense you described but I have to admit that it works in some situations. While I was married, my then wife did a pretty effective job. She had everything well organized and planned. School started and ended at set times. She homeschooled our son through age eight. When he then went to public school he was so far ahead he skipped a grade, something that is quite rare in this area.

    IMO - homeschooling for those first few years laid a good foundation for our son. But homeschooling as a long term, like through jr. high and high school plan is probably not a good thing for most kids. And for those JWs who are doing it to "avoid worldly association" or so they can pioneer are doing their kids a disservice.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    And for those JWs who are doing it to "avoid worldly association" or so they can pioneer are doing their kids a disservice.

    that's an understatement. they kept me out of school to avoid bad associations, and the mentality was that i'd marry a nice brother anyway. can you imagine NEVER setting foot in a high school classroom? not ever? (shudder)

    fortunately i got my GED and then my bachelor's degree, so there :p

  • SixofNine

    HomeSkewling are bestest!

  • Badger

    As I was finishing college, I let it be known that I would consider it a personal affront if anyone in the hall kept their kids at home from me.

    Not all, but nearly every JW my age from the circuit I was from who dropped out, er, homeschooled is either unemployable, DF'd, miserable, or all three.

  • lazyslob

    School´s a place where you start to learn social skills. That´s a big loss for homeschooled kids. And we all know that social skills are a big problem for ALL dubs.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    And we all know that social skills are a big problem for ALL dubs.

    i know you weren't tyring to be funny but... LOL!

  • lazyslob

    i know you weren't tyring to be funny but... LOL! Says who?

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

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