Rather than wondering when, what and how is going to happen - Armageddon, Jesus second coming or whatever - why don't we concentrate on ourselves and finding out who we truly are, learn ourselves to live in love and in peace, spreading that energy around in order that it may spread and reach others. If we live our lives in accordance to His will and feel Him in everything we think, say and do, then what does it mater when Armageddon or Jesus is coming. Basically, that should not be and is not of our concern. Maybe someone ought to tell the WT so that they stop trying to find new dates and times for such events.
JoinedPosts by akhessa
A time paradox with the Faithful and Discreet Slave
by gods vigilante incontinuing in my endeavor to find the truth i found something quite interesting about the "faithful and discreet slave".
according to the society they say that the faithful and discreet slave mentioned in matt.
24 : 45 refers to the anointed ones who have been appointed by their master over his belongings.
ANOTHER WT "RULE" - Are they kidding?
by Sirona inhttp://www.watchtower.org/library/w/2003/6/1/article_01.htm
does the fact that incense is used in religious ceremonies and in spiritism mean that all incense-burning is wrong?
not necessarily.
Most people get stumbled by having people come at their door or stand at street corners telling them that God is going to kill them if they don't side up with them. Perhaps the WT should take this in consideration in their ministry and respect for others.
Memorial Experience
by CaptainSchmideo inat my congregation's memorial, i saw two things i have never seen before.. 1. since jesus said a prayer "over the bread and wine", the elders who gave the prayers just before passing the utensils took the microphone out of the podium, walked over to the table, and said the prayer "over the bread and wine.
" never saw this before in over 30 years of attendance.. .
2. one elder, probably the most knowledgable, been a witness since he was a kid in the fifties, was wearing a lapel pin on his jacket, very small, looked like a black button.
Maybe that pin is equivalent to the gold watch that some companies give their employees after X number of years of "service" in the company. On the other hand, with the WT it might more or a "secret" meaning, like being a member of the "inner circle". Why don't you plain ask him next time since it looks like you too are a regular.... But be careful, don't push too much if you want to stay "in good standing" and part of the flock!
Confused JW sends email to me -- response suggestions?
by Quotes inanother email from a very confused jw: .
date: mon, 05 apr 2004 18:55:00 +0200 .
from: "gideon blankenaar" .
Giving these young people a tract that will "enlighten" them is like giving a hungry person a list of places where he can buy food for which he has no money. Tell him the best thing he can do is show them a genuine compassionate smile - not one of those "used car salesmen" smiles which JW's are used to put on - but a smile that comes straight from the heart. This genuine smile will make more of an impact than any tract, talk or bible quotations. And, by the same token, it will teach this fellow to learn what "being genuine" and "loving" means; he himself will learn to be in touch with his own (true) feelings and how to reach others with them rather than relying on a piece of paper printed by a heartless organization.