Greetings folk,
Just posting to get this thread in my profile.
genesis 1 , the priestly (p) account of creation, has often been compared with the enuma elish, the akkadian creation myth.
some have claimed that p is dependent on the latter, but this is highly improbable.
in terms of similarities, most note the parallel of marduk splitting the body of the sea-monster tiamat and creating the heavens and earth from it, and elohim's division of the thwm "watery deep" (hebrew cognate of akkadian tiamat) into the heavens, earth, and seas.
Greetings folk,
Just posting to get this thread in my profile.
by margaret barker ... has anyone here (@ jwd) read it?
i have it on order from -- (link) --
It came. The book was at my door-step this past Tuesday. I haven't had a chance to look at it much at all. (If you'll please pardon my formating, I can't quite get IE to "work").____So I'll make paragraphs with the line deal (>>>).____( so far. Needless to say, I know about "being on-topic" when posting on the web ... and have been involved in an "upper level" level as far as how things go around "Bnet" (as we abbrev. it). "Bnet Community, Policies & Issues" and stuff that, well, it's detailed; we've been discussing and debating how to be "on-topic" (hey, nevermind; I'm off-topic!!!).____(right now, right here @ JWD)____The Great Angel: I read the table of contents, scanned the index, and did a random you-open-the book (to any page) and read it. What this random-method provided was a "You could quote that senstence @ the JWD board, rick" ... except I haven't had time and have commitments @ Bnet that actually had to be attended to; have y'all heard of the term, "bashing?" (of course you have). And of things like "agreeing to abide by the rules" on any given message board? (yep, or you wouldn't be here).____Tell you what. When I get things back in my "study mode" and read some of Margaret Barker's book (thread topic); I'll be back.____And, I must say that I'm quite "impressed" with the level of discussions I've seen @ JWD and can't wait to get back! PS, Leolaia; if you ever write a book, tell us. I wanna have a copy!____Till I can get things re-aligned re: my Bnet commitments, rick....>
by margaret barker ... has anyone here (@ jwd) read it?
i have it on order from -- (link) --
Leolaia- (off-topic, for now). Thanks for the warm welcome! And I can tell we might have quite a few things to talk about (yep, it sure looks like it). I'm a Nite People ... and post, read, study, (etc.), after I get off my 2nd shift job. I'm a professional forklift-jockey---(and)---an amateur-armchair-theologian, which I also see as a kind of "job/calling(???)" So, thanks again! I'll try to figure-out the browser thing ... and "come back later." (Now, back to your regularly scheduled discussion)......;)
by margaret barker ... has anyone here (@ jwd) read it?
i have it on order from -- (link) --
I've detected an error in no. 2 (above). The "binitarian" view would have (a) "God in his heaven" (God as the Lord of Spirits in Enoch; the Ancient of Days in Enoch and Daniel) and, (b) the Son of Man (a quasi-divine, preexistent, superhuman figure in both Daniel and Enoch). So we wouldn't be talking about a "lesser god" with the Son of Man as he is presented in Enoch ... and in the NT, imo. But of course, I may have gotten waaaay ahead of the discussion by now. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm finding evidences that support this binitarian (or binary) view of "God" in the BCE-NT Era. I'm looking forward to buying and reading: Two Powers in Heaven: Early Rabbinic Reports About Christianity and Gnosticisim, by Alan Segal---(and)---One God, One Lord: Early Christian Devotion and Ancient Jewish Monotheism, by Larry Hurtado....whatever "ancient Jewish monotheism" was. It's someone else's turn now!
by margaret barker ... has anyone here (@ jwd) read it?
i have it on order from -- (link) --
Thank you all for replying. (*quick-note* to Leolaia -- I was "referred" here (to JWD) by someone from who mentioned one of the topics you had been posting on; they gave me a link, and so forth). At any rate, I'll just say that I enjoy "historical-critical" biblical and/or theological studies ... and have been lurking around JWD to see what I can find = several very interesting threads! I apologize for not knowing "how to post" here @ JWD (and will do my best with whatever HTML stuff, and so forth, I can figure out). I don't know how to make paragraphs here, btw. On-Topic now: not having read this particular book yet; I've read several reviews of Margaret Barker's books and have located some of her (online) articles. To try to provide more of a "context" for the thread, I'll post: Ioudaios-Review of 'The Great Angel'. Here, the book's general ideas are laid out with what seems to be Barker's general "gist" (or aim); to reconstruct (for lack of vocab.) a NT Era "Judaism" that has special relevence to Christian origins. When I say "a" Judaism, what I mean is one of the several kinds of systems of Jewish belief of the Intertestamental/NT Period. I've heard some refer to a "binitarian Judaism" which could be contrasted with "monotheistic Judaism" of the era. The Sadducees, we could say, were monotheists very much in the same sense as what later became Orthodox Judaism ... although there was a period of evolution as Leolaia points out. To theorize, I'll list (1) Monotheistic Judaism of the period with "God in his heaven" and operating or manifesting himself via the priesthood (Sadducean) and; (2) Binitarian Judaism, "God in his heaven" but also ... he may appear himself as an "angel or spirit" or shall we say "in human form(?)". The Essenes, Pharisees and "Enochic Jews" can be seen as "binitarian" in this definition: God in heaven and (there also exist) "Divine Mediator Figures" such as the Son of Man (Book of Enoch, Daniel), Elijah (in Pharisaical and Essenic traditions), and, as another mediator figure we see Melchizadek (in Dead Sea Scrolls)....I hope the link "works"....Will be back later, thanks. rick
by margaret barker ... has anyone here (@ jwd) read it?
i have it on order from -- (link) --
by Margaret Barker ... Has anyone here (@ JWD) read it? I have it on order from -- (link) --
the primeval conflict myth is a staple of greek, hittite, canaanite, babylonian, and even hindu myth, and the canaanite version appears throughout the ot and even turns up in the christian apocalypse of revelation.
this post will survey the literary evidence of the myth in the bible and in ancient literature.
in revelation, jesus is the messiah-figure whose birth is depicted in ch.
(I'm a Newbie around here folks....and am posting on the interesting threads so I can get them on my Post History list)....
dear leolaia
from reading your research, which is wonderful, i'm confused about what moses was trying to say in exodus.
and god went on to speak to moses and to say to him: ?i am jehovah.
(I'm a Newbie-Lurker....who wants this post in my Post History/ great thread, btw!)
according to leviticus 20:27, "any man or woman who has a ghost ('wb) or who has a familiar spirit (yd'ny) will be put to death".
the law in deuteronomy 18:11 also commands the israelites to not "consult ghosts (ws'l 'wb) nor familiar spirits (wyd'ny), nor attempt to communicate with the dead (wdrs 'l-hmtym)".
in 1 samuel 28:7-13, the spirit medium of en-dor "consulted ghosts ('wb)".
(I'm new around here and am simply posting to "subscribe" to the thread for a reference/ so I can get back to it later, etc.)....
my real name is "rick" and i'm new here.
i normally post at and was referred here (from there) to a particular thread, on a topic i was interested in.
i'm having some posting-problems here ... basically, i'm unable to get into "chat" and tried to send a message to someone who had been posting on that topic i was interested in (but it didn't "go" for some reason).
Mustang- > W98. But anyways, I mainly wanted to get into chat to ask about why my Message didn't go, etc., (how to post here)....I'm computer illiterate basically. I'll figure it out sooner or later (I think?) > rick