I'm glad that you went to the Doctor! I've been taking antidepressants for several years now, and they have worked wonders! I still have some issues, but the meds help balance things out so that I do not go to the depths of despair in the way that I used to. Depending on what you are taking, it may take a few weeks before you really notice anything, but once they kick in, you will notice a definite difference in how you are feeling, so please be patient and give them a chance to start working.
There are tons of different antidepressants on the market, and some work better than others depending on the person. It took several tries with different meds until I found the one that works the best for me (Lexapro). If for some reason the one you are taking doesn't work for you, there are plenty of others that will. Sometimes it is a trial and error type thing and you have to be patient until you find the best one suited for you.
I'm so happy for you!!!
Below is a website that I have found very helpful over the years. Everything is presented in a fun and sometimes humorous way so that you feel comfortable in learning about your diagnosis, the different meds used, side effects, etc. They also have an online support forum so that you can talk to others who are on the same meds and learn how the meds have affected them. There are people from all walks of life there to discuss things with, with a wide array of diagnoses. The main site and forum are completely non-judgemental, and everyone there is there to learn more about themselves and to help each other.
Here is the link to their online forum...
Take care!!!