AWWWwwww (((((((((Mario)))))))) My Holiday is now complete I have wondered how you are doing so many times, thanks so much for dropping in and letting your jwd family catch up on your life a bit.
Best wishes to you for the coming year.
dear family:.
i want to apologize for my long-term absences.
i miss communicating with all of you.
AWWWwwww (((((((((Mario)))))))) My Holiday is now complete I have wondered how you are doing so many times, thanks so much for dropping in and letting your jwd family catch up on your life a bit.
Best wishes to you for the coming year.
i havnt received mine yet, im just wondering how many others havnt either???
just incase mine has been registered so it can be tracked.
we have already had one bad experience this week, had to send on hubby's xbox console as it overheated and died, the post have "misplaced" it, im so glad we have it insured.. es.
My gift came in today.
i've seen responses from a number of elders, but have any co's become enlightened?
Thanks to you Blondie and you LOT for the idea to post it on word so I could read the fine print, sometimes I'm a bit slow
gee it has been quite a while since i have posted and been away from the board.
i am still very much alive and maybe kicking but just abit.. really though i wanted everyone of jwd to know that i will be thinking of you over the holiday season.
many of you have exchanged cards with me for several years.
OFC Dawling" so good to see you post I have been thinking of you lots lately, so nice to hear your on a mend,
Have an extra dose of Holiday Cheer the cyber way deary.
I been around and up for hours just now seeing this post, Ian it's more like ya'lls bedtime by now. Today has been a gorgeous day here in southern Oklahoma but we're supposed to get snow tomorrow, flurries anyway.
Country Woman I love the pictures, Thanks for posting them, Do you and Viv ever have snow fights, here that means someone faster and bigger than I am clobbers me with snowballs, So when it snows I stay inside, which hasn't been a problem for me since we have not had enough snow to roll into a snowball for a few years now!
Two days ago I sat outside in the backyard to read, as it was almost 80 degrees. Not today, though! After rain, it is quite chilly. But it does make it seem more like Christmas. We have our first tree, with ornaments we each picked out, and it has little built in lights. We actually put it up at the end of November, so it would be finished before my operation. We turn the lights on first thing each morning. *I saw my twenty year old daughter hug the tree before bed one night.
Quandry I hope you're feeling better all the time and up and well for the holiday * I hugged my christmas tree the first time I put one up and then last year when I took out my christmas things I was *"Like Ohhhh I am so glad to see you guys"* I christmas, and I don't let anyone steal that joy from me either
we all know the majority of the society's elders are absolutely useless when it comes to dealing with family matters and as i was sat here reading a number of posts it suddenly occurred to me that watchtower may have started to speed up its own demise.. before i exited my old congregation a young elder was appointed.
he was married without children (they don't want any).
after i exited i heard of another young elder who was appointed (they, too, have no children and i don't think they want any either).. the service overseer was a young elder (a right big head and son of the p.o.).
I remember several being offended in the old congo, when councilled by elders who did not have children. And one <imo> humble elder who because he did not have children admited he would decline when the "work" was spread around that he would prefer not to have to council families with kids and he told the congo why,
One thing is for certain if they don't have children then they cannot be held responsible for anyone else's actions, after all the councilling recieved on the children and families actions being on the fathers shoulders.
from about 10 am (south african time) tomorrow - i won't be on the forum....for 2 weeks, i am going to miss this place!!!!
there have been some fantastic topics, getting to know a few on here a little better.
if i get to me mums' laptop i may pop in for a post or two.. i don't have a pee cee at home (i have refused to buy one because i'd sit on it 24/7).. so to all who do the vigil - i will be with you each tuesday praying for strength and wellness for each of you.. i wish you all an excellent christmas and new year - have an absolute blast..
Have a great Holiday and visit with your mum and take care, best wishes for a great new year
to those who are still jw and former jw.
did you ever celerbrate xmas behind closed doors.
We did not while still active or as we de-activated, in fact it was about three or four years after fading and a disfellowshipping that we started celebrating at first with a feeling of guilt and shame on my part, then it occured to me anything that shame based as the religion had become to me couldn't be good. So now I celebrate with gusto, flaire and fun!
Welcome to the board ITHOT
i have received the most beautiful cards & pictures, poems, tea,ornaments & such lovely compliments from each & every one of you.. i was going to write those i didnt send cards to ...but there was so many ,i really couldnt.
my heart was filled as i read each & every one of them.
as you all know i lost my hubby,& 3 kids in death, one daughter to the wt & grand-children.. as i read all of them i couldnt help thinking of job---he lost lots -but regained more.
Thank YOU Grace for your card, and all the lovely ones I've had from JWD, every day now I have a couple drop on the mat! It's fabulous, and is driving my ex insane as he comes here to pick up the boys and keeps asking me how do I know all these people from USA, Canada and Australia!
Hope everyone got mine.
Love Poppy xxxx
Hi again thread barger here Poppy everyone that see's all the cards here is enjoying them as much as I do. btw thanks for the card you sent too
I love the card you sent me mouthy, my grand daughter is an animal lover so she really gets a kick out of the ones with critters on them.
This card came in yesterday, thought I'd share it too, (where the camera flash is it's kinda hard to see there is a table with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk....)
what kind of birds do you feed?
i have had a wonderful variety this day at my backyard feeders.
i enjoy them.. pileated woodpecker.. downey woodpecker.. cardinal.. red-breasted nuthatches.. white breasted nuthatches.. junkos.
More and more of these
None of the Woodpeckers since we moved into town, used to have lots of them.
I think there are several families of these red birds around, they are kinda cute to watch if our cat is outside they gripe at her so I am suspecting their nests must be near.She <the cat has no ambition to climb, well no ambition and an extra heavy body to boot she's no fear to the birds. they just don't know that.