Very pretty I really liked the water lilies, very Monet.
Posts by bem
Please check out my older brother's photography
by morrisamb in
by ronny .
he has a wild-life property that he built up from just a bush.
Dear God.....
by AK - Jeff in
there are two reasons i post this link:.
when i came across it, i realized that i no longer find anything said there particularly inspiring or particularly offensive.
You folks are all so "cool"
I will send the link to my niece she will get whatever is good in it for her, she is so wrapped up in her own grief though maybe reading someone elses thoughts will help her she is a believer in prayer and an almighty 'god'. Thats the beauty of JWD in particular imo, one post may help who knows how many??
Dear God.....
by AK - Jeff in
there are two reasons i post this link:.
when i came across it, i realized that i no longer find anything said there particularly inspiring or particularly offensive.
Probably not what you were meaning to impart Jeff but there were some stunning photo's in there, I am not offended by the words I only read a few. but I wonder if it's true that by compiling our thoughts and sending them on is all the healing there really is? I want to belive in a higher power, but I cannot wrap my mind around a power that hears prayers or answers them.Maybe it is all in making our minds over to believe in something bigger than us to simply survive.
I do not mock anyone I am just wondering out loud, as the words do have an impact on my thinking ability.
Hope you're having a great day Dorothy
Do you believe that a woman has to be married to be happy?
by MsMcDucket ini'm just wondering because i was raised to believe that a woman should get married and have children.
i think that this is an out-dated philosophy and that girls shouldn't be taught that they have to be in a marriage to be complete.
please, discuss.
Now how did i know someone would take an innocent comment like that the wrong way.No, i believe we make ourselves happy.
Yeah....I used to do a lot of that when I was your age..........
Funny thing is I was goona say Ditto! then I seen someone took it THATAWAY, Uhm we must be happy with ourselves first or we can not be happy with anyone else.
When you left? Did you think that you were gonna get struck by lightening?
by MsMcDucket init shows how deeply this stuff is drilled into our heads!.
Oddly enough, I still feel out of sorts and a bid paranoid when in any place of worship. Churches in general make me nervous and I fully expect to either spontaneously combust or be struck by lightening one of these days.
Being in churches really gave me problems then.... I spent some time in places of worship,a few summers back and as awesome as they were ( they were in England and the structures themselves were older than America by several decades, not older than the dirt here know what I mean?anyway) Being in them helped me realize how much humans will take care of whats important to them, be it a structure another human or an item of value, or an article of no value to anyone but us! They were just places, Having said that. For a while there YES, I was pretty sure hell was gonna break loose and it was gonna hit me!. but 4 years later I am such a calmer more at peace person than ever before! Thank's to people. ....................Oh and garden faries
If someone told you to take a Hike --- would you take this one?
by AK - Jeff in
jeff .
Afternoon all well we got sunshine today yesterday was awful! it's still cold but I am baking so the oven is keeping the house warm and the smell is wonderful, all I gotta do now is get the goodies packaged and outta the house before I decide to try to many samples
Ian I figured you would catch the reference to just how cold it was here my kids scold me when I say things like that, they say I sound redneck so I make sure I throw a few out just to keep their attention. Kids once you raise them you gotta be creative as to how you rile them
Hope your Holiday is the best to all.
We are getting down to the last few days before christmas I wouldn't mind a white holiday, but I don't want any more of the electricty being out for folks. so I'm not asking for it. forcasters are considering the chance of snow! maybe the day after christmas, today it was colder than a well-diggers-butt-in Montana after about 2pm before that didn't even need a jacket, they say we're geting our cold weather from Canada. brrrrr.
Tea is not at the top of the list...but we do tolerate it's use, as a matter of good international relations, eh?
Onacruise speaks for himself here I firmly believe in and drink lots of tea.I panick' if I'm beginning to run out of tea.