Hi Blondie: Thanks for posting these references to John 15. It appears that the earlier quotes interpret 'bearing fruit' as actually being productive by making disciples and state that this is not the same as just sowing seed. (5/1/58 WT, 4/1/58 WT). Then, the 60, 64, 76, 78, 83, 01 WTs associate 'bearing fruit' to displaying the fruitage of the spirit, and Christlike qualities (fine deeds toward others, political neutrality, etc.). None of these dispel the idea taught in the 50's that bearing fruit meant making disciples, but rather they seem to expand the meaning to include exhibiting Christlike qualities.
I'm not sure where the last quote came from, but it seems to revert back to the 50's teaching by suggesting that the fruitage of the Kingdom ministry is evidenced by the growth in disciples - namely the 300,000 new ones who are added each year: "(John 15:8) Both by the fruitage of the spirit and by the Kingdom fruitage of their ministry, the disciples brought glory to Jehovah Today, Jehovah's blessing is upon his people as they engage in a global spiritual harvest. For a number of years now, about 300,000 new ones every year"
In all of these quotes, there doesn't seem to be any mention that 'bearing fruit' represents 'sowing seeds' - in fact they state exactly the opposite. However, the quote from this weeks WT says: "the fruitage in this case is neither new disciples nor fine Christian qualities."
I would therefore suggest that the WT study of this week represents a change in doctrine for the WTS regarding Jesus illustration of the branches and the vine!
Of course, I wouldn't expect that any of the 'faithful' would notice this change as they ingest this 'food at the proper time'!
Thanks Blondie