lol, me thinks that somebody must be really bored to create such a post.
JoinedPosts by xLaurax
2nd JW woman tops herself
by Pleasuredome ini'm sure there must be something in the air in leicester.
although i dont think this has been in the news yet, i've heard from a good source that a jw woman from leicester has committed suicide by jumping off a bridge.
she is the 2nd jw woman to top herself by jumping off a bridge in leicester in the past 2 years.
Yeah maybe that is so. However i don't alway believe statistics because many of the times they are innacurate and biased. Just because she happens to be a Jw and in the leicester area does not mean every Jw woman in leicster wants to do the same thing. Lol, an interesting fact though to sy non the least.
JWs gladly benefit from war yet refuse to honour the dead
by catlady inas i learn more about the borg i am continually shocked by what i discover.
i knew early on that they were pacifists but i had no idea that this included not honouring (or dishonouring) those that have died under war conditions.
i find it so hypocritical that the dubs are quite happy to benefit from the principles (ie freedom, liberty, justice, etc) that these men & women fought for & yet refuse to pay tribute to them.
It's not that i take offence to what people have to argue it just when people disregard things that i say based plainly on my age as somebody did earlier. That was my problem. I think that a healthy debate is good and am totally open to opinion, so long as people acknowledge what ive had to say.
JWs gladly benefit from war yet refuse to honour the dead
by catlady inas i learn more about the borg i am continually shocked by what i discover.
i knew early on that they were pacifists but i had no idea that this included not honouring (or dishonouring) those that have died under war conditions.
i find it so hypocritical that the dubs are quite happy to benefit from the principles (ie freedom, liberty, justice, etc) that these men & women fought for & yet refuse to pay tribute to them.
No worries, i dont take permanent offence very often (unless you really annoy me). I just find that on this site nobody really listens to what i have to say when they look at how old i am. This is particularly annoying to a young individual in society today who has a strong opinion about something.
Believe me i have given a hell of alot of thought into joining the military and that is what i will damn well do. I know that i am emotionally stable and this really IS what i want. As i pointed out earlier after somebody reinforced my argument, if this was a perfect world (which it is far from) them sure my view would be different. But i belive that somebody has to be willing to risk their live to defend their country. Trust me, nothing will change my mind about this.
Hey and thanks to the support that somebody gave me. Lol, i wasn;t sure about joining these forums because everybody seems to think of really clear, logical arguments and in that respect i guess my age really does show. But its better if people jut read what i have to say before pre-judging me and my thoughts.
Thanks guys, this is an interesting subject. xLaura x
JWs gladly benefit from war yet refuse to honour the dead
by catlady inas i learn more about the borg i am continually shocked by what i discover.
i knew early on that they were pacifists but i had no idea that this included not honouring (or dishonouring) those that have died under war conditions.
i find it so hypocritical that the dubs are quite happy to benefit from the principles (ie freedom, liberty, justice, etc) that these men & women fought for & yet refuse to pay tribute to them.
See what i mean. Straight away i have proved my point that i would have been judged on my opinion merely because of my age. Is it not possible for young people to voice their opinion these days? Make no wonder that we turn out like we do when older, small-minded people just brush aside everything that we have to say.
Yeah sure i agree with you war does bring about alot of death and destruction but lot of times the good it brings outweighs the bad. How can you say that WW2 for example was not god when it clearly removed an evil dictator that would have brought a lot more wicked to the earth.
As for the comment about me being too young and naive all i have to say is that you don't know anything about me so you have no right to pass comment like that. People can enter the military at several stages and just because i happen to be young does not mean that my decision has not been thoroughly thought through.
I could pass comment in a similar way and say that yo are too old and stuck in your own ways to ever listen to what anybosy else has to say. Try and empathise next time before replying.
JWs gladly benefit from war yet refuse to honour the dead
by catlady inas i learn more about the borg i am continually shocked by what i discover.
i knew early on that they were pacifists but i had no idea that this included not honouring (or dishonouring) those that have died under war conditions.
i find it so hypocritical that the dubs are quite happy to benefit from the principles (ie freedom, liberty, justice, etc) that these men & women fought for & yet refuse to pay tribute to them.
This is exactly the same point that i made in an earlier post. It cannot be denied that Jw's are against war yet they are willing to accept the benefits that it brings about. To bring some order into this world war is sometimes the last option and somebody has to be willing to risk their lives in order to help us all. So JW sit there and mock how the whole world are hypocrites yet they themselves are exactly that.
When men and women join the armed forces they know that there is big possibility that they are going to be called out to war. So in this respect they are wiling to risk their lives for their country and people. How can anybody argue against honouring them for this? In an ideal world it would not come to war but we need to take off our rose coloured spectacles and take a look around us. This is not true.
I have been brought with a JW mother and a non JW father and have attended the KH regularly. It isonly now at my age that i have started to discover the so many faults that religions brings about. This being one major topic that i most certainly disagree on especially as i intend to join the armed forces after education and university. Although young i do actually have an opinion on this that some people refuse to listen to because of my age.
I don't know what your remembrance festival is that your talking about but i say go for it and keep the memory alive of those that were brave enough to risk their lives.
x Laura x
A question for Christians, bible thumpers, and heathens.
by gumby inare we punished for our parents' sins?
exodus 20:5 "for i the lord thy god am a jealous god, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.
" (repeated in deuteronomy 5:9)
Thae fact that the bible is absolutely full of contradictions means that i refuse to take it literally anymore and instead adapt it in a more liberal way. I agree with what people have been saying in the fact that alot of the stuff in there could be described as 'poo' etc. but there is no denying that there is also alot of good. I belive that is Mans interpretation of what God believes and therefore contains alot of human error.
Here is a question i have been longin to ask somebody that can give me a decent answer........... in the bible incestr is clearly stated as an immoral act that should never occur. However, if we believe that we all came about by two humans, aka Adam and Eve then surely in order to carry the human race on there must have been sexual relations between the brothers and sisters? Does this not make God to be a hypocrite???
Somobody help me.... im confused
eating the emblems AFTER memorial...
by AuSet insorry this is a little late for a memorial post, but did any of ya'll eat the emblems like it was just ordinary food immediately after the memorial?
they always did this at my kh, even the elders would be handing it out and we always would fight over who got a piece of the "bread.
" this usually occured out in the parking lot after most of the new/interested people had already high tailed it outta there.
Lol, this is always something that i have also wondered. Another thing that i have always wondered is how do they know which wine to actually buy? Surely if it is representing Christ's blood it should be of the expensive class but perhaps some congregations go for the cheaper option. Hmm..... as for the drinking and eating of the bread and wine after i have no clue because after memorials my time is spent rushing off to the car and preventing people from blocking us in. Grr... thats really gets to me!
Lol, xLaurax
by Mary insometimes i look at the world and i think "man, how much longer can it go on?
" sometimes i think perhaps armageddon will come in my life-time.
the one scripture i always think of is the one in revelation where it says that jehovah "will bring to ruin, those ruining the earth.
This is a topic i have regularly tried to talk about with my mother who is a practising JW. The truth is that i am young and do not fully understand what i should and shouldnt believe. I have been brought up to believe that there will be a judgement day and that the wicked will be dealt with and the good 'sheep' praised. However, i do not feel as if i can fully accept this. As somebody pointed out earlier, it seems to just be an easy way out of a desperate sitiuation. It is possible for all to see that the world is a shambles, 'quite literally' and all the power driven men in this world are not going to prevent this. If the so called 'Armageddon' does not come then it is clear that mans destruction will quite simply be the downfall of the earth.
A quite commonly used argument that my mother would use is that the Bible forsees mans downfall and floors. Sure this was predicted but the Bible tendsnto contradict itself in several places. If the Bible was to be taken literally then surely 'Arnageddon' would have already been. I believe that in some cases the bible needs to be read with careful interpretation and care. This is why i cannot fully accept this and instead believe that it is just mans way out of the chaos that they have caused.
Take George out of the equation.
by Thunder Rider inthis whole blame the president thing is getting old.
you "anyone but bush" people kill me.
you're all so quick to condemn but have you any real constructive criticism?
This is a subject that really does bug me terribly. It is not possible to blame one person totally for all evil that has happening in this world. As for Bush being the one to get the blame i have to agree with Rider in that this is quite absurd. It's easy to put the blame on one person but at the end of the day we all know this is stupid. People have the right to express their opinions, fair enough but i believe that many people are just hypocrites who never listen to anyone but themselves.
being quite open minded to war and other related subjects i have to say that i am sick to death of people criticising bush's decision to go to war. The mere fact that 'evil' Saddam has been captured is a victory for me. The man was a threat to the rest of the world, driven by sheer hatred for everybody. He even murdered people of the same race and religion as him. People say Bush is the killer but just think how many people could be dead now if he was still alive. I sure as hell bet that it would have been alot more. In this case Bush has been a saviour to many people and not the cold blooded man that he has been made out to be .
Somebody has to take action in this world. If it was left to itself then it would be more destructive. A problem that i find with the JW religion is that they are total pacifists when it comes to war. It's ok for people to stand on the sideline and leave things to other people but imagine if everybody said that. Take for example WW2, was that a stupid decision? should the war have never taken place? I dont think so. If Hitler had still been alive today then many of us would not. We can say that in an ideal world war would not take place but we don't live in the 'ideal world' that people so often talk about. It's time for people to wake up and take a real look at what is actually going on. The war in Iraq resembles WW2 in the fact that an evil dictator is now bein punished - and rightly so!
How is it possible to dispute that? I don't understand people who believe that the whole world is aginst them. They believe that society owes them something. Sorry but you have to earnt this, it doesnt just come at your beckon!