Sometimes I look at the world and I think "man, how much longer can it go on?" Sometimes I think perhaps Armageddon will come in my life-time. The one scripture I always think of is the one in Revelation where it says that Jehovah "will bring to ruin, those ruining the earth." The 20th century is the first time in history that we've had the technology to literally wipe out all life on this planet. Scientists have long preached about the garbage dump we're creating, deforrestation and the ozone layer depletion.
On the other hand, we're living longer lives, quality of life in many parts of the earth is better than at any time in our history and we're constantly progressing in the field of science anyway which makes me think that perhaps Armageddon will never come, or if it does, it's still hundreds if not thousands of years away............
Do you think it will EVER come? or is it just wishful thinking?