Once upon a time I was really into playing Chess. In chess, zugzwang is a term that means to put one's opponent in a disadvantaged position. That is kind of what we do to the WTS now, expose their lies and put them in a disadvantaged position.
i gave my intro and then disappeared for a month.
just not enough time these days.. anyway .
.. some of your names are self-explanatory, but some definitely have to be explained to be understood.. i'll start.
Once upon a time I was really into playing Chess. In chess, zugzwang is a term that means to put one's opponent in a disadvantaged position. That is kind of what we do to the WTS now, expose their lies and put them in a disadvantaged position.
so my therapist told me that if i am ever going to heal emotionally and psychologically from the damage done by the wts that i need to not just focus on the negative, but to think about how the wts helped make me a better person.
i suppose it is because of the wts that i never got involved with illegal drugs or gangs.. .
because of the wts i was always a good student in school.
Thanks for your replies. I hadn't thought of the public speaking which several of you had mentioned.
so my therapist told me that if i am ever going to heal emotionally and psychologically from the damage done by the wts that i need to not just focus on the negative, but to think about how the wts helped make me a better person.
i suppose it is because of the wts that i never got involved with illegal drugs or gangs.. .
because of the wts i was always a good student in school.
So my therapist told me that if I am ever going to heal emotionally and psychologically from the damage done by the WTS that I need to not just focus on the negative, but to think about how the WTS helped make me a better person. So here goes.
I suppose it is because of the WTS that I never got involved with illegal drugs or gangs.
Because of the WTS I was always a good student in school. (Although, because of the WTS I didn't go to college.)
Because of the WTS (or more specifically, because of the congos in my area) I always had a lot of friends to hang out with. I never felt like a "loser" or "weird" because of being a Witness. I think this is due to the fact that their were a lot of young people who were Witnesses who grew up in the same town as myself and I always felt "popular" amongst that group.
Because of the WTS I am much more aware of "the world's" hypocrisy. I'm not the least bit deceived by Bush or Kerry and their lies, whereas many people are actually brought up to believe these guys. With the WTS though, obviously no value was ever assigned to the promises of men (except those of the WTS).
If it weren't for the WTS I think I would probably have been dead by now. I say this because I am a thrill seeker by nature, so had it not been for the WTS saying that it was wrong I probably would have been really into "thrill sports" such as sky diving or BASE jumping.
In addition, I probably would have joined the military right after 9/11 if I hadn't been a Witness at the time. (As a Bethelite one of my favorite things about New York was seeing the skyline everyday. Seeing those buildings collapse and all of those people die really affected me.) I'm horrible even at video game warfare so I am sure I would be dead by now if I had joined the military and been sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. Thanks to being a Witness though (at the time) I didn't join. (Now seeing that Bush's war was based on lies and manipulation of facts I am glad that I didn't.)
Because of the WTS teachings I remained a virgin until I got married. This kept me from getting any type of STD's.
Because of the WTS I got to spend 5 years as a volunteer. (Three as a pioneer and two as a Bethelite) I call this a good thing because even though what I was volunteering for turned out to be negative it is still good to have been able to give myself to something bigger than myself and not be paid for it. I think everyone should volunteer for something if their circumstances allow for it. So while I have mixed feelings about the loss of time that I spent in "full time service" I do feel good about the fact that I had the desire to volunteer. That desire was no doubt implanted (for their own purposes of course) by the WTS.
While at Bethel I got to live in NYC (the greatest city in the world) for free! (Except for the 5 and a half days of work at the big house every week.) The experience of living in that city I will never forget. Looking back, I wish I would have spent more time in the city. Rollerblading up and down the streets of Manhattan, the Broadway shows, the parks, the museums, just everything about the city was great. Had it not been for the WTS I would not have had that experience.
I suppose there are more things if I think about it long enough. Of course, all of these good things have negative factors attached to them. But the trick that I am trying to learn is to not focus on the negative but to "glean" (there's a Bethel term) what positives I can from the first 27 years of my life. If I don't I may spend the next 27 years being bitter. I don't want to waste that much more time of my life.
What about you? Can you think of any positive's that came from your association with the WTS? Any comments would be appreciated.
(BTW, for any trolls out there, positives would not include stuff like "I learned about God's kingdom blah, blah, blah." You can waste your time trying to "get me to come back" but I won't let you waste mine.)
by now most have heard about or had opportunity to read the june 15, 2004 watchtower.
the article will be added to the ajwrb web site shortly.
lee elder .
My father died as a result of the WTS policy on blood transfusions. I'm only 28 and plan to be around a long time to sue their asses when they "new light" this policy away. zugz
the recent superstition thread got me to thinking.
growing up i was terrified of "demons".
sometimes when we would have witness gatherings they would start in to "demon" stories.
The only experience I can recall occured while I was in service. I was probably 16 or 17 at the time. I and another brother were going door to door. At one particular door a man answered the door. Immediately I knew something wasn't right at this house by the man's appearance. He had what appeared to be a tattoo on his face. I could tell that it wasn't just paint or some other removable ink, it was permanent. I proceeded with my presentation, trying to act as if I didn't notice the obvious facial tattoo. At the conclusion of my presentation I asked him if he would be interested in the magazines. I'll never forget his response, he said: "WE are not interested in hearing about this." (As if I had been talking to a group, rather than to an individual.) And then I can only describe what happened next as unbelievable. (If I hadn't seen it I wouldn't believe it. So I won't blame you if you don't believe it.) The guy's eyes came out of his head! Not literally, as in blood gushing out or anything, but standing there I saw what appeared to be the eyes of this guy moving in my direction, without him moving, as if I were wearing 3D glasses and only his eyes were in 3D. Upon seeing this I immediately said the usual "have a nice day." I and the other brother walked away from the house. When we got to the street corner I asked the other brother if he saw that. He said he did. To be sure he wasn't referring to the guy's tattooed face I clarified that I wasn't just talking about that. He said, "I know what you're talking about, his eyes! What the hell just happened there?" I then knew that it wasn't just my imagination. Anyway, that was all of the service I could handle for that day.
As a side note, later that same month, I and this same brother were working in service again together. We were at a particular door and it happened to be the other brother's turn to talk. Well the door opens and lo and behold a woman is standing there completely naked, not a stitch of clothing to be seen. Not missing a beat this other brother goes right ahead with his presentation. Talk about a return visit that you hope turns into a Bible study. That was probably the best two minutes of field service I ever had. (Maybe the demons made her lose her clothes! We need more demons like that.)
the message has changed.
now the message is "the society is the channel".
the end is nigh is dropped from #1 to about #5. .
I remember noticing the Witness people encouraging my wife to leave the family because we were not believers. I did not realize this was an organizational movement until I researched the doctrine of "absolute endangerment of spirituality".
That is the exact excuse that my ex wife used to divorce me. I always believed that no matter what she did or what I did neither of us would leave the other on any grounds other than fornication. Well, there was no fornication and she still left. Thanks to the WTS teaching that organizational loyalty is more important than marital vows. But hey, who wants to be married to someone who doesn't want you around anyway? It's still a bunch of crap how much control the WTS has over it's members.
i was always a shy kid that desperately wanted to make my parents proud.
at about this same time i started to hang out with some guys that my dad didn?t particularly approve of.
i wonder how my life would have turned out had i stopped at any point between ages 14 and 19 and asked myself who exactly i was doing all this for.
hey, i know what you're talking about simon. i never got used to the awed looks i would get from the "lowly rank and file" when i would go back to visit my folks. it was all i could do not to bust out laughing. i just wanted to smack em to knock that look off of their face. everyone's the same, it doesn't matter if you live in brooklyn or wallkill or wherever.
Greetings from another ex Bet-hell-ite. What you said is so true. People acted like Bethelites were celebrities or something. It was quite amusing. Probably the closest that I'll ever come to being a celebrity. I can see why some people stay at Bethel even though they have to know it's all a bunch of crap. That feeling of importance or power or prestige or whatever it is that comes with being at "the big house." Glad to see another ex-beth make his way out. I was at Brooklyn in 98 and 99. Did you ever notice how many Bethelites either DA'd themselves or were DF'd while at Bethel? It seemed like at least once a week they would be announcing at morning worship 2 or 3 persons who "had been disfellowshipped and were no longer part of the Bethel family." Now I understand why that would be the case. I just wish I would have seen the hypocrisy myself sooner. Well, again, welcome to the board!
when i discovered - only recently - the the masthead of the awake was changed in 1995 to eliminate "our creators promise" i found it apalling.
it was a promise people!!
i am curious, did the wtbts write articles or discuss this radical change or did they just slip it in?
This is their biggest prophecy failure of them all. The "generation" prophecy had been a part of WTS teaching for more than 50 years. So it was no small thing when it was changed. But I, and all of the other loyal witnesses, didn't even bat an eye at it. We just kept on going. It took me about 6 years to realize the full impact of the change.
last night i could not sleep.
i was feeling particularly betrayed by the wts, more so than usual.
i was mad at the wts.
Last night I could not sleep. I was feeling particularly betrayed by the WTS, more so than usual. I was mad at the WTS. All of these things were coming to my head, and I just felt the need to write some stuff down. Well this is the product of those thoughts. I ended up writing a little poem about the Watchtower Society. I called it the "Watchtower Chameleon." I figured the people who could appreciate this and understand this the most would be the friends here at JWD.
"Chameleon, common name for certain lizards that are well known for their ability to change colors. The chameleon changes color when it is frightened and in response to light, temperature, and other environmental changes. The color change is caused by hormones that affect special pigment-bearing cells in the skin. Its color does not always change to match its surroundings, however, as is commonly believed."- Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia
Watchtower Chameleon
Watchtower Chameleon, ever changing spots
Watchtower Chameleon, ever changing thoughts
Watchtower Chameleon, sell a bunch of books
Watchtower Chameleon, what a bunch of crooks
In 1874, Christ was on his way
In 1874, that's what Russell had to say
When nothing happened, something had to give
Christ had to find, somewhere else to live
Jesus has returned, that is what he said
Jesus had returned, but only in his head
No one had seen him, no one could he find
He was invisible, to all of humankind
So the first lie, was being conceived
Thousands upon thousands, would be deceived
That was the answer, that would be the key
No one had seen him, he had returned invisibly
That was his story, no one could prove him wrong
That was his story, he was standing strong
It became part of, his theology
Something he would call, Bible chronology
Watchtower Chameleon, ever changing spots
Watchtower Chameleon, ever changing thoughts
Watchtower Chameleon, change another teaching
Watchtower Chameleon, always overreaching
In 1914, the end was at hand
In 1914, that was their stand
Oh Armageddon, was coming any day
All of that preaching, had prepared the way
But off to heaven, they did not go
What was the problem, they did not know
Perhaps it would take, just a few years more
But surely surely, they were at heaven's door
In 1918, Christendom was gonna fall
In 1918, "get out of Babylon" was their mighty call
But that didn't happen, the church's are still here
Why it didn't happen, they weren't very clear
In 1925, they made a mighty cry
"Millions now living, will never die"
The faithful men of old, were on their way
They even made them, a place where they could stay
Watchtower Chameleon, ever changing spots
Watchtower Chameleon, ever changing thoughts
Watchtower Chameleon, what will they teach today
Watchtower Chameleon, only the foolish will obey
In the 1930's, they said not to marry
The end was so close, it was truly scary
Everyone was excited, in 1941
Only a few months, till this world was done
Then came the 1950's, with no end in sight
Then came the 1960's, with ever changing "light"
Suddenly vaccinations, were now okay
But from transfusions, they would have to stay away
They gave more value to the blood, than the life it stood for
So many lives lost from this shit, they're rotten to the core
Saying that a symbol such as blood, is more important than your life
Is like saying that the ring on her finger, is more important than your wife
They had their opinions, and that was just fine
But they presented their opinions, as if they were divine
"Channel of communication," that is what they claimed
Jehovah's Witnesses, that is what they're named
Watchtower Chameleon, ever changing spots
Watchtower Chameleon, ever changing thoughts
Watchtower Chameleon, time is getting short
Watchtower Chameleon, fill out your time report
In 1975, something new for the faithful's ears
In 1975, the completion of 6,000 years
Sell all of your possessions, and become pioneers
Oops looks like they were wrong, wipe away those tears
In 1984, rumors were all a buzz
In 1984, rumors is all it was
In 1986, came the year of International Peace
In 1986, the world did not cease
In 1995, the biggest change of all
In 1995, the end they would have to stall
"This generation" was now, no longer tied to a date
Bible chronology had surely failed, isn't that just great
Of one thing I am sure, of this I have no doubt
The Tower will continue to change, and to lose all of it's clout
Until it falls you and I, must continue to scream and shout
"The Watchtower has fallen," and help others to get out
Watchtower Chameleon, ever changing spots
Watchtower Chameleon, ever changing thoughts
Watchtower Chameleon, look how it has changed
Watchtower Chameleon, oh how deranged
cnn has just announced that the south korean has been beheaded, but that is all the details so far.
The use of decapitation has been discontinued in part because of suspicion that the severed head may in certain cases continue to be alive to some extent and capable of feeling pain. Some evidence for this was gathered by studying the presence of death-related chemicals in the brains of beheaded animals. There have also been many apocryphal stories from France about the severed heads of guillotined persons that would change facial expression or move their lips. Certainly another major reason for the end of the practice of beheading is the violent and messy nature of the practice.- Wikipedia
Some executioners have the decency to just shoot their victims in the head, quick and painless. These a@#holes choose one of the most painful methods to make their victims suffer needlessly. If there is a hell and if it is hot then people like these deserve to go there.