The message has changed . . . or am I wrong again?

by garybuss 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    The message has changed. Now the message is "the Society is the channel". The end is nigh is dropped from #1 to about #5.

    #1 The Society is the channel.

    #2 Do more.

    #3 Don't listen to former members.

    #4 Go the meetings and service.

    #5 The end is nigh, maybe, we're not really that sure.

    #6 We have always been right.

    #7 We never said anything about1975.

    #8 Do more.

    #9 Don't think.

    #10 Did we mention do more?

    Or am I wrong again?

  • Nocturne

    you forgot one:

    #11. Give us more money

  • kls

    How about we ,,,,,we need more recruits

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    "Wait on Jehovah" comes to mind....underwhelmingly.


  • wednesday

    as usual Gary, us are right on target. I too had noticed this, the emphasis is on theORG, not the End of system of things.

    man i would like to see o'Reily get hold of the JWS, in his "no spin zone". they really do have a new spin on things.

  • confusedjw
    #7 We never said anything about 1975.

    This is really a pet peeve of mine.

    To be loyal you now have to say "the society never put it in writing" thus it was just a bunch of kooky brothers who made the whole thing up.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    yeah, Gary....what Wednesday said.


  • avishai

    A-holes. stealing, child molesting, a-holes

  • garybuss

    Anyone have a guess why the change?

    I remember when the message was the message. Now the message seems to be all about the messenger.

    When I was a kid I stood on dirty street corners and tried to deliver magazines to strangers. I was told the strangers who accepted the literature in my bag were sheep and the ones who did not accept the literature were goats. The reason I was on the corner was to vindicate Jehovah's name and to warn people they had to join our Society in order to have a chance to be saved at the imminent Armageddon.

    What happened to all that?

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    hmmm....seems they're not as adept at butt-coverin' as they use to be, eh?


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