I didn't eat the casserole, it did look like crap!!
today, saturday i figured i'd take a little run to the adventist church to see how similiar they are to the witnesses.
after talking with them i just had to run to the computer, asap.. after the service, people started walking out.
i felt like walking out too b/c there was a lot of old people and they were kind of cliqueish.
I didn't eat the casserole, it did look like crap!!
today, saturday i figured i'd take a little run to the adventist church to see how similiar they are to the witnesses.
after talking with them i just had to run to the computer, asap.. after the service, people started walking out.
i felt like walking out too b/c there was a lot of old people and they were kind of cliqueish.
Yea, it was a pretty interesting experience.
There were some other things that were said that were interesting too but forgot to post. Like their view on hell (hades) is exactly the same as witnesses. There view on clean worship is the same, no smoking or heavy drinking. Oh also, the husband I talked to said another reason he was adventists was b/c, "its the only religion he knew of that actually studies the bible in depth".rriiiiiiiggggghhhhht
Also something else that I found interesting is that even the inside of the church was somewhat similiar to the witnesses. The adventist church is like a hybrid of a methodist and a kingdom hall. You know how kingdom halls have fake plants in them {supposedly to look something like paradise}, the adventist church I went to also had something to that affect although it looked better than a kingdom hall as they had fake stones along with the fake plants. I find that interesting b/c other churches you go to are very vertical to so respect to god being superior to us humans but churches like witnesses and adventist set a heavenly goal of paradise so their churches are designed to look like paradise or something like it.
today, saturday i figured i'd take a little run to the adventist church to see how similiar they are to the witnesses.
after talking with them i just had to run to the computer, asap.. after the service, people started walking out.
i felt like walking out too b/c there was a lot of old people and they were kind of cliqueish.
Today, saturday I figured I'd take a little run to the adventist church to see how similiar they are to the witnesses. I just came from it actually. After talking with them I just had to run to the computer, asap. So I sat down at their service and the pastor was talking about how they (the church members) needed to be strong in this world and its standards. At the end of his little speel the closing song ( or hymn) was, don't remember exactly now, but to the affect of "relying upon god, putting trust in god".
After the service, people started walking out. I felt like walking out too b/c there was a lot of old people and they were kind of cliqueish. For the first time in my life amidst them I thought to myself "I bet they think I'm really evil and from the devil". Finally someone, an older man came to talk to me. Sucker had some bad breath too, but at least he came to talk to me so I shouldn't be so hard on him. Well as it turned out everyone was gathering in a back room for a meal. I figured, "what the hell, go for it".
While in line I started talking to a kid about my own age. As we were approaching the food he made a remake "have you every had adventist food, its really different". Truth be known if he hadn't said anything I wouldn't have been able to tell that adventists had a different diet than other people. The food was like any other gathering i've been at. Nice kid though.
So I sat at the table with his family. They asked, "its interesting you've showed up here, do you have any other religious background". And which I answered, "NO". The husband asks, "So would you call yourself an atheist". I tried to play dumb by saying, "no, i believe that their is a god, but I just haven't really read the scriptures to know what his personality is like". Boy did that fuel their fire!!
The wife says, "you kind of remind me of my mother and some other relatives of mine. Their catholic and they say they believe the bible but most of what they do is tradition." { I really don't know how that applied to me but anyway she said it}. The whole time I had to play like I didn't know anything about the bible. Anyway I finally asked the lady, "how did you come to be an adventist?" She said she had a neighbor and every saturday he would leave and come back home. She said to herself,"what is he crazy?" So she started talking to him and he started showing her proof from the bible that, 1.she shouldn't eat pork and 2. she shouldn't do anything on saturday. It was right there in the bible, plain as day!!
As to why the husband believes in adventism, he says "i've never found any other religion that can back up completely what it believes"!!. At which point the wife adds, "you know some times we get people at our door these, Jehovahs witnesses that try to talk to us. If they could prove their point I would join them but they can't prove their point. They can't back it up!!" {so now I'm thinking to myself, If they only knew who they were talking to.} Oh how pretending is fun!!
So I ended up taking a few 7th day adventist pamplets home. I not sure how strong the kids where in the faith. As I was sitting at the table, I could tell the kids were nervous that their parents were talking to me about their beliefs!! I would like to find out how much their son believes in the truff. btw, they actually used that word, 'truth' pretty loosely as they were talking to me.
who at the top of the organization profits from all the volunteer work, donations, and selling of watchtower property?
Who at the top of the organization profits from all the volunteer work, donations, and selling of watchtower property?
when i was a kid, we had the meeting for service at our house on saturdays.
i would seem to be getting ready in my room and when mom went into the living room, i would run into her bathroom and get in the shower.
i had long hair, and no hairdryers in those days.
Say that "since it's such a nice day out I can cut the grass early so that when everybody get's home we can bar-b-q and enjoy the yard". a lot of times it worked and most times wouldn't you know "we were out of gasoline". whats on tv !!!
its seems to me over the years as a dub i have met some very creative (albeit eccentric) folks in the org.
whats your thoughts on this?
do you think that the structure of the jws makes people more creative?
Damn, I must really be screwed up !!!! Btw I'm still in the org. to some degree.
Maybe I should have sayed it a different way. I see ones who have a creative "potential".
Or maybe I just tried to surround myself with semi-creative individuals. Anyway thank you all for your responses !!!
its seems to me over the years as a dub i have met some very creative (albeit eccentric) folks in the org.
whats your thoughts on this?
do you think that the structure of the jws makes people more creative?
Its seems to me over the years as a dub I have met some very creative (albeit eccentric) folks in the org. whats your thoughts on this? Do you think that the structure of the jws makes people more creative? or are the young eccentrics just children of parents who were themselves creative but mislead into the org. years before?
My $0.02, I think that when raised in a high control group where one isn't allowed to freely express themselves, they find other avenues for expression (less controlled avenues) such as in art and music. Plus the org. was constantly have us use or imagination. During drama parts we had to make believe, it seemed like every part on the assembly began with "imagine for a moment", and everybody that has every believed in the paradise earth has imagined what it would be like, if not for a brief moment.
And because your never allowed to do the things in the "world" you are always imagining what it would be like.
i am trying to fade slowly, but am finding this increasingly difficult.
i can't sit through a meeting, i had to leave at the 1/2 the other day, because of my recent enlightenment, the hypocrisy is to much for me to take.
as i left you could see the looks on people faces, "oh she's just not spritual enough".
welcome nemo,
i'm trying to do the fade as well. Intuitively I know its best to avoid everyone if at all possible. I basically view all Jw I know as Agent Smiths from the matrix. If I see one coming down the street I find a way of dissappearing. I think the less they actually see you the more you fade from their mind. Anyway, I just hope I'll never have to set foot in another kingdom hall. Sometimes I feel like I'm under the water with a big gulp of air. At times I feel like the air is running low. I know how you feel about the meetings though. The lasts meetings I was going to I felt like laughing at what speakers were saying. It was unbearable. One day I was like "I'm not playing this game anymore"
yall can just guess which one i am.... >>no cheating.
pick your dessert, then look to see what psychiatrists .
after taking this dessert personality test, send this .
I agree!! if theres no chocolate cake then I'll have a big slice of strawerry cheese cake !!!
has anybody seen the june awake.
its entitled "lonely but not alone".
there must be a lot of jw's that can't find friends.
I believe the the article was written for older ones as well as singles.