LOL....those are great.
king george the third's response to the declaration of independence
the court of king george iii london, england.
july 10, 1776. .
LOL....those are great.
if you lived in the phila area or south jersey during the 70's you may remember this well know commercial jingle..
if you got a passion for fashion/ and you got a craving for saving/ take the wheel of your automobile and swing on down to ideal.
Hey closer, do you know Shiloh? His wife is a real sweetheart. Have you heard his band? Good stuff.
we moved out of my parents house last week.
this was so difficult since im df'd and they were only talking to me since we were living with them.
of course i was prepared for what was coming, the yelling, talking, and especially the guilt trip.
Good for you, MP.
The first step is the hardest, and everything after that becomes a rediscovery of life itself.
That's sweet, that you're going to dress up the baby for halloween. The kid's going to have a semblance of a normal childhood, and that is a gift that is beyond words, believe me. I can't imagine the joys I'd have in my memory if I was allowed to follow my heart as a child.
Stay close to your sister; you definitely need her now.
i couldn't believe that i was reading this in the news....,4057,7446555%255e13762,00.html ok, dear it might fix my headache.
by george gordon.
october 3, 2003. .
It makes one wonder, am I better off as I am. Is there anyone here who can stand up and say, I have a truly wonderful relationship, respect, understanding, plus sex and everything, and am high on it?
Right here, man.
My wife and I met each other, and the connection was instant. We have a profound love and respect for each other, as well as a healthy amount of lust. We sacrifice for each other, and have a ridiculous sex life. There's nary a day without play.
Also, we are linked to each other in a way that's almost spiritual. I don't know why, but we can't go without each other. We love each other's company. We talk all of the time.
I think the hard times determine the relationship, and if it survives through tragedy and temptation, it makes the couple stronger.
We'll have been married 5 years 20 days from now, and we were a teenage marriage.
A relationship worth it, and long as it's not forced. I think that great relationships spring up without expecting it, and legendary relationships come only from years of unselfish love and sacrifice.
My Grandmother and Grandfather's relationship was like that, and they were married 47 years until my Grandmom passed away.
It's all be worth for my wife and I.
here is a copy and paste from as to why you should go see bethel for your next vacation.
has anybody done this, any experiences good or bad?.
bethel branches all over the world.
yeah a 14 year old girl.
Ha! That does not surprise me in the least.
I had a couple of friends who went up there and were not only hit on, but dated. That is, 21 YO's were dating 14 YO's, and much non-sexual hanky-panky ensued.
The funny thing is, in all of the cases, the relationship ended because these bethel boys were conceited, immature, emtionally disturbed partyboys who got drunk and high any time they could.
Will they show that on the tour?
as a jehovah's witness, you know that you cannot practice homosexuality.
it's considered a sin.
if your friend or relative revealed that they were gay, you would be obligated to "report" them to the elders.
are they going to un-gay someone
Un-Gay? LOL
Sounds like a smelly muscle cream.
for those who were raised/born in the truth: .
1. were you ever beaten as a child?
and, i mean where the parent really crossed the line, not just spanking.
The boy left the borg, wonder why?
No kidding.
I remember that in our old hall we must've had around 30 of age kids, no lie.
There are five kids left, that I know of, that are still Jdubs. (Both from abusive and non-abusive families)
as a jehovah's witness, you know that you cannot practice homosexuality.
it's considered a sin.
if your friend or relative revealed that they were gay, you would be obligated to "report" them to the elders.
It would assure me that my child was being true to him/herself.
True enough.
I think that if I had kids, from a very early age I would talk about homosexuality, and that's it's as natural as the sun rising. That way, if the kid is gay, then there wouldn't be any need to 'come out'. There would always be an open door as to sexuality--I hope that when I do have kids, I keep that pledge to be open and very close to my kids. There would be no need to reassure them of our love, because, to them, there is no difference at all between heterosexual relationships and homosexual ones, besides the obvious bigotry they would experience in their lives.
Of course, if they listen to me on other topics, they'd know how to belt morons right in the kisser if someone is harassing them.
to quote george bush:
we must collectively get after those that, kill, in the name of, i dunno, some kind of false religion .
there i was sitting around the foriegn table, er, the er, table of foriegn leaders .
Anybody but Bush 2004.
LOLOL. Couldn't agree more. Hell, I'd even take a Bush cabinet without Rumsfeld and Ashcroft, that would at least be a start.
all hail empress rosemarie!!.
gotta thank you all in advance as, in my rush to become royalty, i have foolishly used all my posts for the day.. see what one can achieve by regularly posting mindless drivel?
And may I congratulate myself on my recently passed second anniversary here at JWD.