Bwahaha! Now, that's disturbing. Better go take my seizure meds now.
anyone else have ideas for theirs?
sorry...beans..... .
here's mine...... oops...i ate it again...(eat your heart out, britney) sorry, simon.
Bwahaha! Now, that's disturbing. Better go take my seizure meds now.
...toothpaste.. tim has decided we can no longer share toothpaste.
so he purchased some for me.. because...... this is tim's toothpaste.... .
this is mine.... .
Toothpaste arguments? Holy balls in a hat-rack!!! People really fight about that? LOL. Classic. This thread cracked me up.
BTW, my wife and I are both rollers.
yeah i know cassie likes to think he is so cool, he only puts up the good piccies on his av, hoping the jwd girlies will fancy him.
anyone can look good when a professional takes a photo ..cassie!!
so i thought i would share a more realistic pic taken at a wedding 3 years ago .
Hey Jo.
That pic disturbs me. That monkey is trying to kill you! Watch out! I know his name:
got this "experience" in an email.
it was sent by a sister i used to know quite well, i think she sent it to encourage me, but it has had the opposite effect.. "____________________.
baptized at age 5. the mother and father of a little girl had a bible study with xxx.
I knew somebody like that. Baptised at 7. It really screwed them up, but they stayed a dub. A truly miserable person, a real waste of a beautiful life.
If any of those 17th century masterpieces depicting nursing Madonnas, etc. are in Texas, I hope they will move them to a safer location before the "morality police" confiscates them all and holds a backyard bonfire.
My thoughts exactly. Fools. That poor mother. This is going to really damage the family, no matter what happens. It's a shame that those "lawful" pricks think that a breastfeeding mother is porn. WHAT?
Then again, this is from the same state that outlaws anal sex.
Hey Texas! Get the hell out of your citizen's bedrooms!
This is horrible. I feel bad for the parents.
this was sent to me through my web site ( .
i was just saying to someone the other day, least the witnesses don't talk to me or write me!
LOL. What a moron.
Halleujah, Donald!:):)
the elders and the watchtower society are big fans of using "restrictions".
anytime a person has judicial action taken against them, they are imposed with "automatic restrictions".
even if a body of elders felt that a person was too fragile to have any restriction placed upon them, they were required by the society to "restrict" them in something.......were you ever put on restrictions?
I wasn't able to comment, give talks, go out in service, anything. It was my favorite time as a witness.
hello to everyone on the forum.
my family and i are indeed grateful for people like you who are brave enough to tell the truth about " the truth " and watchtower .
i`ve been lurking for quite some time, and finally got some courage to post.
Hello Invictus.
Just want to welcome you, and tell you that I saw your evil twin lurking in the lobby. He's trying to pass himself off as you!
i cannot for the life of me, remember these days half of you, that, yonks back, i met here within this community.. however, i do hope that many of you have kept up feeling well and still wish for you many continual successes in the future.. if any of you wish to email me at any time, please avail yourselves the opportunity of doing so by inserting in your subject text: exjw.
if you write anything else, all emails from unknown sources are automatically deleted on sight.
still the same old address: [email protected].
Hey Mark. Nice to see you here again.