I graduated in 1973. I didn't know a thing about the printing corp disguised as a religion - back then. I miss the good old days.
just wondering.
and if so, were you able to go back later on and finish?
i barely made it in under the wire, so to speak, but my three younger siblings had to quit (our dad made them--he said they would be better off "pioneering" but in reality he put them to work in a gardening business he started since he had quit his job and maxed his credit cards--waiting for "the end".
I graduated in 1973. I didn't know a thing about the printing corp disguised as a religion - back then. I miss the good old days.
Is that Susan Sarandon on the left?
so what was one thing that significantly preoccupied your mind today or part of today something you thought a lot about?
for me it was handing over some work on a deadline which comes up next week.
i can't go over even by one day so i better be on time.
So far,
Taxes, Snow showers until Thursday, and Poor Imus.
....for saying "nappy headed hos".
he's off tv and radio.
personally, he's never been my favorite but i like him more than the reverend al sharpton!
did anything exciting or alarming ever happen at your hall?
i remember only funny incidents, like one brother getting up there with his zipper down.
(i knew alot of brothers after that felt no shame to actually check down there before going up on the podium!
At a neighboring KH not far from here, a womans husband came into the hall and shot her with a hand gun. He was pissed she was going to meetings. I'd say he was excited, along with anyone else who happened to be there that day.
....for saying "nappy headed hos".
he's off tv and radio.
personally, he's never been my favorite but i like him more than the reverend al sharpton!
Goggle Tawana Brawley/Al Sharpton. He ( Sharpton) is a scumbag.
it probably was one of my few happy moments of being a jw.
my mom, dad, and i were asked to be in the modern day drama, think it was in 1988-1990 (not sure exactly).
i played a worldly girl named "dolly winters" who was considered a bold and brazon girl who eventually studied to become one of jws because of a good example jw that she went to school with.
Re: Has anyone been in one of the dramas while a JW?
Not I, but my son who was about 15 or 16 back then, was "privileged," and had the "honor," of playing a part in one. It was one of those exaggerated "modern day" dramas.
The rehearsals which took over the entire spring & summer weekends of that year, were grueling at best. Talk about reaching the epitome of watchtower "top." Wow my son is in a drama. Little did we know when we accepted the assignment, that we would have to do it two weeks in a row at two different district conventions. All cost at my expense. We even had Sam Herd (now GB), who was the convention overseer back then, approve... that what we all had practiced for months, met with his approval of "going on with the show."
In retrospect, it was not worth it. My son would have loved playing little league baseball instead. Who's ass can I kick aside from mine, for such a perverted waste of time?
about 2 months ago, i had a 7:00 p.m. listing apointment meeting, about 20 miles from my home...i almost called to cancel and i should have......but i didn't.
i had the worst case of indigestion in my life.......during the meeting my stomack make so much noice....it was truly embarrassing.....something was truly wrong down there.. on the way back, 5 miles from my home it happen........ my body said we are getting rid of this stuff right now!!
!......my brain said we can't do that here.. we need a the bathroom now.....just then the traffic slowed........to 15 mph.. if i could have pulled of the road at that minute and "gone" i would have......but i was in the far right hand lane of a 3 lane highway, bumper to bumper.. i was sure i was going crap my pants.........i was screaming.......and praying to every god i know and some i didn't.. just then the traffic opened up.............i got off the highway...........i was 10 blocks from my home.. i happened to get behind some old lady driving 5 mph.........."haaaaaaaa... shhhhhiiiiiiiiittttttt.... i cursed, i screamed and i laid on the horn.........i finally passed her going about 60 mph.......and ran two stop signs......parked in my garage.........ran to the elevator.......i almost "lost it" waiting for it......... ran down the hall.......hit the door...........i was screaming the whole way...............i almost made it too................i was the biggest mess i ever had to clean up in my life....almost yaked twice.. the moral of the story is this..........sometimes things are not always what they seem......that people in "road rage" are not always some insane crack heads........sometimes they are nice middle aged business men, who can't eat sourkraut and beer together........or they might be some young man trying to get his poor wife to the hospital..............so be kind to the crazies.
Yeah there I are times when I thank the loo for being there.
yesterday, i witnessed something disgusting, a personal turnoff i hadn't seen for a long time -- this on national tv and during the masters golf tournament.
here, the best player in the world (you know who he is) takes a finger with his right hand and closes off his right nostril, then blows his left nostril toward the ground.
no handkerchief, no kleenex -- nothing.
Going to a washroom in a restaurant, and the last guy in there who shit his brains out didn't flush on purpose. It ruins the meal.
*** note: i grew up jw, never baptized or df'd though.i haven't set foot in a kh in 2 years, ever since i gave some so-called friends my new telephone # and address, and asked them to stop by and chat about our beliefs with my new wife.
i had taken her to the memorial and 2 meetings, and of course she got love-bombed, but no one ever called, or came around to speak to her, or me!
I've found that most dubs are social retards, and are naturally snobs. All religion aside. I wouldn't get my underpants in a bunch because they didn't go out of their way to be courteous. For many, being nice, is just not in them. The only time many of them will fake that they care, is at the kingdom hall for Jehovah brownie points. Flip them off next time.