but by his directing his attention toward the earth as ruling King.
Seems to me his "attention" span toward earth has waned, or he's daydreaming. It's a pretty shitty place to live in some parts. If he's ruling he needs to be voted out.
i want to know if they have changed thier stance on weather jesus came back "invisibly" in 1914......?
are they sticking to this or slowley distancing themselves from it................. for all you km insiders [please expand] .
but by his directing his attention toward the earth as ruling King.
Seems to me his "attention" span toward earth has waned, or he's daydreaming. It's a pretty shitty place to live in some parts. If he's ruling he needs to be voted out.
just telling it like it is.... so you have the mormons.. like there are a lot of rich mormons.
mitt romney being one of them.. then there's the scientology people.
yes... also an alternative religion like jw and mormons.. like there are tons of rich scientologists in tom cruise world.. and i know that in jw there are some wealthy people.. but i tell you, in jw the overall feel is that being poor is glorified.. my experience is there is a ton of descrimination in the organization.
Greetings Confucious,
I call it what it is, class envy. Some dubs are ambitious {and make $$}, others are just a bunch of lazy asses who are/get jealous of the achievers. They're all over.
BTW: Is it still true, that, "Man who go to bed with itchy bum......
well lets get off to a good start for the year by using jesus to justify staying with your abusive husband:.
thursday, january 3. when [jesus] was being reviled, he did not go reviling in return.
when he was suffering, he did not go threatening.-1 pet.
Touche ! CCS
Throw that goddamn book in trash.
i live in a very small town.
i hadn't been to the local mexican restaurant in quite awhile until the other day.
my mom, my son and me were .
Greetings tnangel73
Despite what mom said, it's protocol for many watchtower drones to leave a tract instead of well deserved money. After all it is all many of them have. Toilet cleaning just doesn't pay all that well.
well, happy new year to all of you, my friends here on jwd !
it should prove to be another rockin' and rollin' year here on jwd !
so, what do you hope to accomplish or take away in a beneficial way from posting on this board in 2008 ?
JWD has been instrumental for me to keep the passion I have, alive, to see the watchtower printing co. tank. It's obvious to see they (Watchtower) still continue to hemmorrhage many of their pipsqueak "bastion" of followers here on this website. And it's an excellent place to land for those who want to know the truth about the "truth".
we have discovered a downside to no longer being a jw.
as we were washing clothes today, my husband remarked that since we no longer attend meetings, we are not constantly sending suits and dresses to the dry cleaners and alas, we no longer get hangers and are going to have to (gasp) buy some!
what down sides can you think of?.
The days drooling on my sleeve from cat-napping, due to drab-dry speakers. I'm just sick about it.
don't try to convert me, please by: lewis grizzardtues oct 23, 2007 9:05 am edt.
macon,ga.- religious freedom is a wonderful thing.
Greetings Blondie,
That story reminds me of the countless times in the door to door work, where the idiot(s) I was with, claimed, he was not there to convert the householder but to "help" them.
Here Catfish............Go get 'em
it had been coming.
i hired an employee last year out of desperation since medical transcriptionist in this area are extremely hard to find.
this person had experience and had been employed at one place for a long time so i thought i would give this person a try.
Greetings littlerockguy,
I was out with one of my employees yesterday. He turned a simple project into a mess. All the way home I was thinking of firing his ass. Then I did as the Apostle Paul... and drank a bunch of red wine. He's still working. Close, but "no cigar".
my guess is probably not, or if they were they weren't that much of a jw or their perspective isn't so relevant to jw thought - i trust those that have been out a while understand what i mean, hindsight and all.
what i'd like to do is draw out a contrast that some may have by way of their personal experience, maybe a "worldly person" or other non-jw that is an example of someone that has a great and helpful perspective on life, vs. the jw one.
there may be people from this board, but i think even a specific telling moment with a simple thing could be good or even better.
Re: Ever met a "deep" JW?
There's no such thing. "Deep JW" = Pompous ass, condescending, arrogant dolt, that thinks he...or she, is better than the rest of the world because of reading the watchtower and all its bullshit.
i was laying in bed and trying to drift off to sleep.
all of a sudden i had a vision of my father building our dining room table.
we moved when i was four and this was at our old house so i must have been pretty young.
Greetings U1,
Remember there will be peaks & valleys in dealing with the watchtower printing company cult. Remind yourself that they are hemorrhaging. You might live to see them nose dive into oblivion. Then you'll have to help daddy deal with it. The proverbial shoe will be on the other foot.