That article on "know it's the truth" or something like that...I read more of that Watchtower article than I have in a decade at least and I am just flabbergasted at the writing style! So many assumptions and misleading statements!
I bought into all of this during my time in because I hadn't read about anything else. Were JW's the ONLY ones to oppose WWII? No...but I didn't know that nor did I know about the letter Rutherford sent to Hitler basically telling Hitler that JW's were in total agreement about the Jews (anti Semetism) and that the USA was full of *#it!
Does any other group preach about Jesus? Um....yes, a lot do.
Do other groups translate in obscure languages? I think I read on another thread here that there are other Bible publishing groups that do (I'll try to find that info). It doesn't really matter to me however because I DON'T believe the Bible is inspired by anything more than men.
The testimonies of three obscure and unknown 'brothers' was supposed to inspire belief that this is the truth....yeah right. The words of these men could easily have been scripted from the magazines (and in fact were). The typical rank & file witness doesn't even know he/she is spouting verbatim Watchtower sentences. So brainwashed.
The article assumes that there was an organized first century Christian congregation. Laughable! There was no model for first century Christians. It was a haberdashery of conflicting ideas. It wasn't until the 4th century AD that the Catholic council of Nicea gave it structure by choosing the writings that would be included in the 'New Testiment'.
so many assumptions were made. It was sickening to read and even more sickening knowing the number of people who will swallow it without a second thought