Happy. Happy with myself. That was the ultimate thing I got no matter what problems came and went.
i do.
it's great knowing that leaving the organization has not produced our "weeping and gnashing of the teeth" as we might once have believed.
we've become free!!!!!!!!!
Happy. Happy with myself. That was the ultimate thing I got no matter what problems came and went.
stockholm syndrome: [stock'holm syn"drome] psychiatry.
(an emotional attachment to a captor formed by a hostage as a result of continuous stress, dependence, and a need to cooperate for survival.
in the watchtower/jehovah's witnesses cult it plays like this:satan wants you to leave the,"truth".so,he will try every hook and crook to stumble you out.
That's where it originates from for sure. Those Swedes... they love everyone!! ;o)
Stockholm Syndrome is where the victim identifies with his/her captor. There fear is
more often still there and some psychologists say that it is a survival response in
See links below for more details:
http://www.yahoodi.com/peace/stockholm.html <------ Sweden Bank Robbery
http://pages.ivillage.com/guppyfish/id39.html <----- Battered Wives dubbed as suffering from the same Syndrome
http://familyrightsassociation.com/info/stockholm/syndrome.html <----- More on the Syndrome it's history and Psychology.
The protrayal of the WTS saying that Satan is tricking you out of the "truth" is inconsistent with the definition of the Syndrome.
Their "reversal" of it's meaning may be due to comments about them being a cult and the members possibly synpathising with
their "captors" [the Organisation] and using spiritual / scriptural gymnastics to convince its members of their [WTS] good intentions?
Would be an interesting theory to bash out...
How about: The Syndrome's psychology of the need to survive [everlasting survival in this case] is convincing yourself that you are in the right religion and you [the member] have convinced yourself of that fact thus that fact outweighs the consequences you suffer for being in the organisation?
i have a good friend who is a primary school teacher.
although he and his wife both have a masters degree, he earned more money last year painting houses during the summer than he did teaching.
it is a well bemoaned fact in the usa that teachers are terribly undercompensated, considering the level of education they must obtain.
I have to thank my Art Teacher. WIthout him I would not have understood many things about life. His approach was always involved with reality and understanding with clever little stories to keep us thinking... and yes it was only art... and he was more talented than at art alone..
and wasasister... a binary message for you.. :-)
01010000 01110011 01110011 01110011 01110100 00100001 00100000 01011001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01100001 01100111 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101111 01110111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00101110 00101110 00101110
many people i have spoke to on this site have found that becoming part of a christian group since leaving the witnesses has been of benefit to them.
i must admit at times i have considered visiting other churches or religions, but have not acted upon it.
but i am curious as to what's out there.. can anyone enlighten me?.
I agree totally with all the pro-posts for Christianity. I especially agree with Room there. If you want to get closer to understanding then you should look at spending some personal time with the bible and read Christ's words. You will find phrases such as "Where two or three of you gather together in my name, there shall I also be" and "Only through me shall you know the Father" etc etc. You will find surprisingly different meaning to many passages that you thought you may have known because you will keep reading through the chapter rather than play scriptural leap-frog.
God did say that the words he gave us to learn were not beyong man's capability. That would suggest that "any man" would be capable of understanding his word.
Personally, I am struggling with my Faith on a day to day basis and I was out 12 years ago and only in for 18 months. But those words have stuck like an infection for so many years. They play havoc with me when I slip up. I believe that there is a darker force that is eager to win us over so we fail according to the "rules of soul saving" if you like. I have struggled and been in Crisis for a while now. When I am alone and hear voices I pray to God. It works. I don't know if I have a brain mentdown or that I am really being attacked spiritually but hey, it's my personal thing and it may be a psychosematic way of working through stuff, who knows.
I also found that just turning up to a sunday service when I fancy it at a more liberal gathering place fills me with what I need and helps me through the tough times. It also reaffirms that I am missing something and I then try to discover more. I've also learnt not to judge other Christians cause I don't know how faithful they are and why they go to their church -- there could be a hundred good or bad reasons for it.
with the help of my father and our right-wing friends in the oil.
i am the first president in u.s. history to have the united nations.
bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public.
Simply put... Dubbya did to America what Clinton did to his intern.
Finish this sentence... If Kerry gets to power he will do to America what .................... did to ...............
i ask a question, the next person answers my question and then asks their own and so on.
so i will start off with....... .
what if animals could talk?
I often wondered what it was like to come back as an insect that lived for 12 hours, had no digestive system, never went hungry and it's 12 hours were relative in length to our 70/80 yrs.
What if you could build a spaceship and use the Moon like we used Australia - for prisoners.. who would you put on that ship?
personally, i could care less about god and/or jesus, have no use for either of them, very disappointed in how they run things.
and when i die, i hope i get the chance to tell him/them that.. there was a great song in the late 80's early 90's by depeche mode called blasphemous rumours(spelling ?
) "i don't want to start any blasphemous rumours, but i think that god has a sick sense of humour, and when i die i expect to find him laughing.".
Belief is based on Faith. Acceptance.
I find my biggest problem is not that I don't believe there is a God or that Jesus/God/Holy Spirit are the same or even that there simply is a creator to all things in the universe.
My problem is submission. For me to totally go the whole way, for my personal belief, I have to put my whole life in His hands. Some may think that is easy, but it's easier said than done.
I'm still struggling with that aspect of Faith.
i came across this and thought it was kind of funny, especially since we all remember how evil the smurfs are..... find your smurf name....i'm junkie smurf using my real first and last name.... http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mule/smurfgen.html.
Stoner Smurf!!!
i ask a question, the next person answers my question and then asks their own and so on.
so i will start off with....... .
what if animals could talk?
You'd have a lot of happy kids and plenty of lawsuits going around.
What if you could change one thing about you physically?
dear leolaia
from reading your research, which is wonderful, i'm confused about what moses was trying to say in exodus.
and god went on to speak to moses and to say to him: ?i am jehovah.
Thanks for the clarity. I agree that there have been eroneous translations with regards to His name and it evidently can be confusing -- me being confused and also [unintentionally] creating confusion.
I will take your definitions and apply them to the original and test this hypothesis and see it's results.
Thanks for the explanation and yes Leolaia I came across one of your posts that had much to say on names of gods etc. Very useful very insightful on both of your accounts Narkissos.