May be hybrid languages like Engderin or Cantolish?
JoinedPosts by Left_Field
by Leolaia inright now they're showing old buck rogers episodes on the sci-fi channel.... .
these are classic!!!!
whatever happened to gill gerard?
The "What If" Game
by copsec ini ask a question, the next person answers my question and then asks their own and so on.
so i will start off with....... .
what if animals could talk?
mmm.... mmmm... mmmm.... manna
What if the grandfather paradox didn't exist and we could travel back in time and serve justice once, who would you serve "justice" on?
by Leolaia inright now they're showing old buck rogers episodes on the sci-fi channel.... .
these are classic!!!!
whatever happened to gill gerard?
Edward James Olmos played Adama... and we may remember him from such fine 80's cop shows as Miami Vice... [Lt Martin Castillo] man I was in those threads too!!! lol
I saw Mr Olmos playing a Mexican Seargent / U.S Army on an episode of Touched By an Angel. That man just oooozes Academy Award. Fingers crossed from me.
The "What If" Game
by copsec ini ask a question, the next person answers my question and then asks their own and so on.
so i will start off with....... .
what if animals could talk?
There'd be no line-up and Watchtower would become prepaid subscription.
What if you had 12 hours to live and $25,000 to spend?
by Leolaia inright now they're showing old buck rogers episodes on the sci-fi channel.... .
these are classic!!!!
whatever happened to gill gerard?
Yes... the Flying Bikes and invisible fighters!!
Didn't they steal that idea of making their fighters invisible in the park later in Star Trek - The Voyage Home???
PS Get your humour now with the movie quote... wondered how you could be so "on the ball" and slip up on something like recalling a movie title!! hehehe
Find the error (quiz)
by Schizm inthe image below depicts the "manger scene".
if you look close, and use a little imagination, you can make out the "three wise men" there on the left, and joseph and mary on the right.
of course the brightest, pulsating "star" above them all is the "star of bethlehem".
The bible doesn't state how many "wise men" or "magi" ACTUALLY visited Jesus. The number is calculated by the number of gifts given. Another assumption made popular.
It also doesn't say how many of these wise men visited Herod on their way to Bethlehem.
Was I too late? Did someone win the prize already??? *grin*
by Leolaia inright now they're showing old buck rogers episodes on the sci-fi channel.... .
these are classic!!!!
whatever happened to gill gerard?
The Princess and the Dwarf?
Ingo Montoya was a character out of The Princess Bride - just spotted this post while I was lurking through other very interesting posts you are making
Why Did El Shaddai become Jehovah? Attention Leolaia
by jst2laws indear leolaia
from reading your research, which is wonderful, i'm confused about what moses was trying to say in exodus.
and god went on to speak to moses and to say to him: ?i am jehovah.
Yhwh doesn't mean "the Eternal One".
Let me rephrase that. It "translates to 'eternal one' " YHWH is a tetragram not a pun. The Hewbrew language is richer than ours - you have to try to see what is meant by that. When you say 'I am' it is in the present tense which is an eternal tense so to speak it has no end. We are always in the present. Grammatical gymnastics with Hebrew is not my strong point but I do see the obvious pun in that sense.
Tetragram: [from the greek "tetra' four and "gramma" letter].
Pun: A play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words.
I cannot see where you get your hebrew pun explanation other than using western alphabet to explain away a hebrew text based on western alphabet puns?
My explanation stands as far as I can see with exception to my definition being misworded.
Question: Do you find anything else in my post wrong?
Show me scriptural examples where the pun is in play through the process of it's adoption through to it's usage. If you can state that there is a pun it must first have been conceived and used as such with a statement to that effect. I don't know of anywhere that the bible does this.
The ball is in your court
Should the clergy preach politics?
by badboy ini understand from my jw neighbour that he seems to think it is wrong that some clergymen should be urging their congregations not to vote for the bnp.
This puzzles me. Where are they getting this head knowledge of what the clergy are doing?
Are they sending out spies to see what clergy are doing in their [the clergy's] church?
Are they taking their information from tabloid press?
It's either here-say of press "EXCLUSIVES" type of evidence [which by the way has been thrown out on numerous occasions when it was related to WTS DIRECTLY] that such scenarios are being played out and if such cases
[as there probably are, just based on the laws of probability] do occur it would be a very small percentage.
I could hazzard a guess that there are less clergymen per quota doing that than Bethel brothers accused of unhealthy conduct down on the farm... Remember that STORY?? I can count more clergymen than Bethel brothers so I could be really close to something there??? *grin*
What is the WT fell?
by paulE inwhat would be the consequences to society in general?
would there be enough psychotrist to handle 6,000,000 new patients?.
would office buildings be scrambling to find new janitorial services, since all the "pioneer janitorial service" operators would find real jobs?.