SYN -- Well, done more resarch and this is what I have found on the number 5 in regards to numberology:
Number 5 in Numberology
The senses; the pentagram; the elements plus akasha; a Goddess number.
The number five is the number of man. It represents the five senses of sight, sound, smell, taste & touch; the five fingers of the human hand, & the five appendages; the two arms, two legs and the head It also represents the four elements of the number four plus Spirit, which makes up five and all life, which is represented by the pentagram.
Now, here is the number 5 tarot card meanings along with the Lovers meaning.
Tarot ~ Hierophant 5
The Hierophant represents such official learning, especially in groups. A Hierophant is someone who interprets secret knowledge. Balance and conformity are the goals of the Hierophant, and neither positive nor negative is emphasized - only tradition matters. In extreme cases, this can indeed have very negative effects (as Galileo found out) but in most cases having some tradition to follow is beneficial. The traditions and ceremonies of the church, such as taking marital vows. This card can also represnt gateways to higher consciousness reached in a ritualized way, listening to your inner teacher and manifestation.
Tarot ~ Lovers Card 6
Partners, union, relationships.
The man represents the conscious mind and the woman represents the subconscious mind. The stuggle between sacred love and profane harmony. Refers to love, relationships and marraige. Sexual urge and desire. The Lovers card is not just about love and sexuality; it has several meanings which are all related to the duality expressed in the image of the card. The image of the two lovers holding hands or intertwined is a powerful symbol for the harmonious union of two beings, but it also stands for choices.
The Lovers is predominantly a card of the emotions, and it often portrays love that is divinely blessed, either by Cupid, an angel, or by God Himself. This image shows the man looking at the woman, who in turn looks at the divine figure above them both. The man cannot see the angel, and he must trust the woman to see it for him. Often, the Lovers will refer to a relationship when it appears in a reading, and when it does, that relationship will be a perfect expression of the love between two people.