JoinedTopics Started by MissyMoesGhost
EXCELLENT personality test
by MissyMoesGhost inhttp://test3.thespark.com/person/person.cgi
(submissive extrovert abstract feeler ).
by MissyMoesGhost inhttp://www.randomhouse.com/features/lawoflove/karm.html.
you've passed the karmic challenge.. love and happiness will soon be yours.. you have proven that your heart.
and soul are suitably evolved.. you are ready to meet your soulmate.
really interesting quiz take this one
by MissyMoesGhost inwow omg creepy accurate
http://www.colorquiz.com / .
your existing situation .
by QUANTUM ini just read a remark that joining the jw's was no different than any other church.
people join because thay find the people are nice and sociable.
i'm also sure that their intent is to be honest and forthright.
I'm So Disgusted................
by Mary ini'm absolutely disgusted as what the gb members are letting go on inside the organization with regards to pedophiles, but i guess it shouldn't come as any great surprise after all the other crap they've pulled over the years.. one can only assume that their sheer arrogance and/or stupidity in their "we can't do anything without two witnesses" policy, is a sign that they're either possessed or they're all getting collective alzheimers disease.......it's ridiculous to pretend that child abuse doesn't go on in the congregations - it goes on in every single religious organization on earth, simply because you have imperfect people in every single religious organization on earth.. if child molesters within the congregation were pursued with the same gusto and enthusiasm as those that buy lottery tickets or question doctrines, they'd be doing something.
one can only assume that none of the governing body members have any children (thank god!
) or they'd never come up with such a stupid policy.
Surefire Ways To Know You're A Woman...
by WildTurkey inyou are a bitch.. when asked 'is something bothering you?
' reply 'no' then get pissed off when you are believed.. become attracted to someone because he is outgoing and loves parties, start dating him, and immediately expect him to stop this behavior... always take an hour longer than promised to prepare for the evening.. always hide very important events in very unimportant terms so you can have something to be pissed about when your boyfriend declines because he has pressing business, i.e.
you say 'it's no big deal, but i was wondering if you would like to visit my parents with me if you are not busy this weekend.
The Sun's Transit of Cancer
by MrMoe infor those of you who like the astrology stuff i post... the sun is now in cancer.
here is what you all should expect.
(stolen from astrology.com) .
Are women naturally "Bi" ?
by refiners fire injust a question.
actually a friend of mine, alex, (who hopefully might read this and commence posting on this board) has been insisting for 20 years that women are naturally bi sexual.
i laughed at his claims.. but now, looking around here, and based on numerous group chats ive had with women on this site, there seems to be some evidence that his theory is correct.
Homework: what do nations think about america?
by raven101 in.
i would appreciate any input from residents of other nations for this homework assignment, as well as americans.. what do members of other nations really think about america, compared with what we percieve them as thinking?.
please help, assignment due tomorrow!.