Cassi said:
"If your belief is religious and someone can show me that God gave the same right to EVERY man, woman and baby without destroying them because he did not agree to that which they were doing or their parents and did not destroy them in fits of temper then I may agree."
My arguments are not an appeal to religious belief. It is plausible to be against abortion and not be religious. My argument is about fairness. It is not fair for one child to die and for another to live based on the choices of their parents.
I believe Roe vs. Wade to be an atrocity because Judge to it upon themselves to separate personhood from humanity. If the unborn are considered human but not people then when does a human become a person? Alot of arguments for abortion are also arguments for infantcide. What if we decided to define a person as having an IQ over 70? Then alot of humans would not be considered people.