"GenericMan, I'm not finding Stephen Pinker argueing for infanticide anywhere either. Could you provide a (direct) quote." I apologize, in Pinker's case, he said that as far as biologists are concerned, birth is as insignificant as any other event. Nevermind I have to correct myself.
JoinedPosts by GenericMan
by Lostreality inwrong or right?.
right to choose, or murder?.
what is everyones point of view?.
by Lostreality inwrong or right?.
right to choose, or murder?.
what is everyones point of view?.
I'm not saying that its the sole argument against abortion. What I said is that many arguments in favor of abortion are flawed in that they allow infantcide to be logically possible.
by Lostreality inwrong or right?.
right to choose, or murder?.
what is everyones point of view?.
The "hosts of others" I speak of are the scientists and academics who agree with the reasoning of these people. Notice the institutions that have been associated with these names. Vanderbelt, MIT, Princeton,...-- these are not just of fringe quacks these people are teaching at the top universities around the county. I don't want to sound paranoid. There are just as many who argue against these views, like bioethicist Hadley Arkes. I know I provided a small sample of names but I know there are many within the academic realm who adhere to this thinking.
by Lostreality inwrong or right?.
right to choose, or murder?.
what is everyones point of view?.
"Not true in the slightest. I've never once heard a pro-choice person argue for infantcide. Not once. I'd wager you haven't either Generic Man."
Actually there are many scientists and academics who have argued for infantcide:
First, theres Dr.James D. Watson the man who co-discovered DNA. He wrote:
"Because of the present limits of such detection methods, most birth defects are not discovered until birth."
"If a child were not declared alive until three days after birth, then all parents could be allowed the choice...the doctor could allow the child to die if the parents so choose and save a lot of misery and suffering."
Children from the Laboratory (1973)
Its also interesting to note that he believes abortions are acceptable in cases where the foetus is found to be genetically inclined to homosexuality.
Second is Dr. Virginia Abernethy, a psychiatrist and anthropologist at Vanderbilt University's School of Medicine. She writes:
"As long as an individual is completely dependent upon the mother (for survival), it's not a person."
January 14, 1985, Newsweek
Also the Australian philosopher Peter Singer has argued for infantcide as well as MIT cognitive scientist Stephen Pinker.
I kid you not.
by Lostreality inwrong or right?.
right to choose, or murder?.
what is everyones point of view?.
Cassi said:
"If your belief is religious and someone can show me that God gave the same right to EVERY man, woman and baby without destroying them because he did not agree to that which they were doing or their parents and did not destroy them in fits of temper then I may agree."
My arguments are not an appeal to religious belief. It is plausible to be against abortion and not be religious. My argument is about fairness. It is not fair for one child to die and for another to live based on the choices of their parents.
I believe Roe vs. Wade to be an atrocity because Judge to it upon themselves to separate personhood from humanity. If the unborn are considered human but not people then when does a human become a person? Alot of arguments for abortion are also arguments for infantcide. What if we decided to define a person as having an IQ over 70? Then alot of humans would not be considered people.
by Lostreality inwrong or right?.
right to choose, or murder?.
what is everyones point of view?.
Cassi, you don't seem to get what I'm saying. Why should the wrongful act of the father cause the death of the unborn? To kill the unborn is to give a punishment greater than that given to the guilty rapist. The unborn have the right to live regardless of the circumstances under which he or she was concieved.
by Lostreality inwrong or right?.
right to choose, or murder?.
what is everyones point of view?.
Cassi said:
"Roe V. Wade gave women the right to not die in cheap motel rooms after they were raped by a man/men who maintained the government at the time. Is that right or wrong? I am not to conclude at this juncture, I do know however to maintain a pregnancy for 9 months after a horror filled attack could lead one to end ones life and that of her unborn fetus, is that woman guilty of murder or decideing who is a person or not when aware of the pregnancy?"
I agree that rape is a horrible crime, but its just as horrible to destroy the unborn. The unborn child was not responsible for its own existence so why should it be destroyed? I do believe that killing a fetus because of personal interests is murder. The right to live is not based on anybody's personal interests.
by Lostreality inwrong or right?.
right to choose, or murder?.
what is everyones point of view?.
I cannot in good conscience condone abortion. To condone abortion is to say that the word person doesn't apply to the unborn. If I were to condone abortion, I would be saying that the only way for an unborn to become a person is when the mother gives the right to the unborn. What frightens me is that Roe vs. Wade gives the government power to decide who is a person or who is not a person. The right to life is for everybody and not for those who happened to be concieved under the right circumstances.
Congratulations Nosferatu
by Lady Lee inon your marriage today .
i hope the wedding will be as beautiful as all your plans and with no disruptions .
best wishes to both of you today and always
Congratulations Nosferatu and tell Ms. Nosferatu that everybody here sends their congrats.
bought ENEMIES by Rutheford today
by azaria inat an old book store.
not sure if i wasted my money or if i will find anything of any significance.
while skimming through it though i noticed how the catholic church is so demonized; how everything evil in this world is because of the catholic church.
Amongst her instruments that she uses are ultraselfish men called "Jews", who look only for personal gain, and who therefore readily yield to and join with the Hierarchy in any unrighteous schemes
I have to get a copy myself. I've been looking for proof that Judge Rutherford was an anti-semite.