JoinedTopics Started by ezekiel3
Prince Gets Hip
by ezekiel3 in.
source: http://music.monstersandcritics.com/news/article_1054458.php/prince_is_facing_painful_hip_surgery.
pop superstar prince is facing painful hip surgery to help him cope with discomfort brought on by years of performing in high-heeled boots.. the pint-sized when doves cry singer is thinking twice about a full hip replacement, according to sources close to him, because, as a jehovah's witness he's against the blood transfusion part of the operation.. the 47-year-old star is on medication as he attempts to battle the pain of his bad joints, according to us tabloid national enquirer.
Quotes PR: Watchtower Sues Website
by ezekiel3 incute little piece:.
source: http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=26149.
watchtower sues website .
by ezekiel3 inmail this to the watchtower bible and tract society:
this form of protest was designed to let the wts know there is a worldwide network of people who are aware of their information control policy.. right-click on the image above and pick "save picture as...", save it, print it and mail it to:.
watchtower bible and tract society .
Blondie's: Comments You Will Not Hear at the 9-04-05 WT Study
by ezekiel3 insaying, let them come to me.. refrain.
job 30:20, 21, today's english version.. another ot example--job.
yet, each hair is noticed and numbered by jehovah god.
Blondie's: Comments You Will Not Hear at the 8-28-05 WT Study
by ezekiel3 inposted for blondie:
comments you will not hear at the 8-28-05 wt study (july 15, 2005 magazine issue date)
review comments will be in red
Monthy Awake Update
by ezekiel3 inannounced at service meetings this week: .
there has been clarification about how the awake!
monthly circulation will be handled.
WTS Backslides Production Again - Paperback Bibles
by ezekiel3 in.
announced at service meetings this week:.
the wts will be phasing out hard-bound bibles for the public begining later this year.. jws will still be able to order hard-backs for themselves, but hard-bound bibles will not be made available to the public after current stocks are depleted.. soft cover bibles will have a paper cover similar to other publications produced by the wts.. pocket-size bibles with fake leather covers are to be discontinued entirely and will only be available in paperback.. we are a long way from pig-skin folks.. .
Tell me about "JW United" and Chuck McManigal
by ezekiel3 inconsidering the attempted crackdown on unofficial jw websites, what can you tell me about this site?.
jehovah's witnesses united http://www.jehovah.to/.
who are these jws who claim "this site is not meant as a substitute for society literature, but as a further resource for those who would like to 'dig deeper.'"?
Bowen Comments on Berry Case Again
by ezekiel3 insource: http://www.pressbox.co.uk/detailed/legal/jehovah_s_witnesses_silence_the_lambs_sex_abuse_victims_denied_apology_33373.htmljehovah's witnesses silence the lambs sex abuse victims denied apology .
added: (thu aug 04 2005) .
mind control failed to be considered by justices in appellate hearing .