i think SOME men (like my ex) in society judge by appearance cuz they look at women thinking " would i do her?" and look at men " do i make more money than him..
i'd rather be pretty or ugly instead of just PLAIN..makes me invisible.
when i was a pre-teen i became aware of how someone?s looks at birth made such an impact on their lives.
first by the fact that all the bad guys in movies were ugly and the good guys were handsome.
i would wonder why ugly people were bad or was it that bad people became ugly?
i think SOME men (like my ex) in society judge by appearance cuz they look at women thinking " would i do her?" and look at men " do i make more money than him..
i'd rather be pretty or ugly instead of just PLAIN..makes me invisible.
i'm looking for the boe letter that defines apostacy as 'standing away' and means individuals can be dfed even if they're not spreading their opinion.
i'm sure i saw it recently on here in pdf format, but i can't find it.
by reading that.. all disfellowshipped people are considered apostates?
university of kentucky hospital is participating in a blood trial
associated press
louisville -- the university of kentucky medical center is participating in a clinical trial testing an experimental blood substitute and some critically injured patients may be receiving the substance without their consent.
Associated Press
LOUISVILLE -- The University of Kentucky Medical Center is participating in a clinical trial testing an experimental blood substitute and some critically injured patients may be receiving the substance without their consent.
The substance -- PolyHeme -- is compatible with all blood types. It is derived from human blood and is supposed to improve oxygen levels in people losing massive amounts of blood. Another advantage of the substance is that it has a shelf life of more than a year, compared with six weeks for blood.
Trauma surgeon Dr. Andrew Bernard, principal investigator for Kentucky's portion of the trial, said patients or family members are being asked permission whenever possible. But a goal of the trial is to gauge whether PolyHeme improves the chance of survival for severely injured trauma patients -- most of whom are unconscious or unable to communicate.
Researchers have attempted to inform potential participants about the trial at UK through an advertising and public relations campaign and community meetings. Sometimes, Bernard said, risks are necessary to advance the cause of science.
"Somebody has to do a trial. That's medical research," Bernard said. "We must continue to challenge our current practices to make people better quicker."
Medical ethicists are divided on the consent issue, while some patient advocates say it is wrong, given the unknown risks.
"It's so important to gain consent," said Vera Hassner Sharav, president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, a patient's rights organization. "It is a personal and individual right. It's a human right that we can't waive."
Dr. David J. Doukas, chairman of family medicine and medical humanism at the University of Louisville, said some people may consider unwittingly being part of an experiment a worse indignity than the possibility of dying. Sharav suggested that PolyHeme be tested instead on patients who can give consent, such as those undergoing surgery.
But Bernard said the goal of the study is to determine if it saves lives in the absence of blood. Answering that question, he said, could potentially help millions.
UK is the only hospital in Kentucky that has joined the national trial.
hi gang, .
i went to visit my parents last weekend, taking my lovely wife and her mother (who is visiting us from overseas and happens to be a sincere devout catholic and a wonderful person, and speaks almost no english).
recently my mother mentioned (via telephone) that she wished my father would buy a new computer (theirs is a vintage 1987 ibm ps/2 25 mhz) so at the last minute i decided to give them one of the old ones i have sitting around, complete with 17" monitor -- a kind of "peace offering".
i knew of your site awhile. but didnt go to it cuz being a 3rd generation witness i just shrugged off the old stuff as "old light" .
i was really hurt by the lack of love but figured it must be a local thing not system wide. but with all my other problems just put the "truth" on the back burner . finally though i started reading there after reading here awhile... and to be honest i just read the newer quotes. which was enough to create doubts in my mind. and that was traumatic cuz growing up in the "truth" i figured if thats not right nothing is. its hard to build a relationship with a God you really dont know. and its created a lot of sadness and emptiness in my life.
i truly admire what you've done. it exposes the hypocrisy and shows what a waste it is to continue worshipping god that way. although i dont look down on my parents and family who sincerely believe. they arent hypocrits and live a good clean humble christian life. if it works for them fine.. it doesnt work for me anymore. although i dont know what does. being out of the org is almost as bad as being in it.. you get a lot of "donts" but finding things to "do" are elusive.
i would like to encourage you to keep adding stuff from newer publications because that is where people like me would read. its not so easy to dismiss as "apostate twisting stuff to fit there agendas"
jesus words as recorded in mark 16:16-18 identify those who hear the "good news" and become believers in this way: "by the use of my name they will expel demons, they will speak with tongues, and with their hands they will pick up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly it will not hurt them at all.
they will lay their hands on sick persons, and these will become well.
i know a lot of people who claim to be christians and true believers, but i don't think i'll ask any of them to prove it by the above criteria.
i wish i could find a "true believer' to cast this fat demon outa me.. the skinny me wants OUT dammit!
i was reading some comments on randy's site, and lately i've been noticing a trend - a majority of jws can't spell.
i've seen them come on here and their spelling is very poor.
here's an example: what a nut case!
i'd make a cutting comment but dang i caint spell neeether
just came from the assembly.
they critisized us for going house to house implying that it was cheating the system and just a way to get fs hours with out talking to people.
now they want jws to do mostly bus and business witnesses in the afternoon during weekdays.
more and more to me the publications are as hard to read as a legal brief.
the publications are cold, the people are cold. and i really feel for the older ones (like my parents) who really believe in God and have lived good christian lives and the religion is changing so much its unrecognizable as the religion they followed. being elderly they cant go out in service anymore, so therefore even though they attend as many meetings as health allows they are considred inactive and get absolutely NO attention from the elders.
scroll through the replies for the article.
maybe it was the " you can live forever in paradise" book that was released early 80s?
oh yes it is that time of year again.
the time that my dogs hide when football starts because of my husband screaming at the tv.
do you scream at the tv knowing that the players can not hear you?
i used to scream at my tv till it started screaming back ..(insert twilight zone music here)
how long are the media going to accept the jw news machine propagada?
check out this link for an african report of jw conventions.
the statistics on aids in africa are stunning like 1 in 5 will die from aids by 2010? something like that.. the famine and refugee situation in sudan is horrifying. starvation in ethiopia and other countries in africa is beyond comprehension.
they are in my prayers but really the situation is such that only God could fix it. think he'll pay any attn to their suffering or is he still waiting to give satan his time? pbbbbbbbblt glad satan rates such importance that the suffering of billions is worth giving him his time to show he cant rule.or whatever..
the whole situation over there tears me up because those arent numbers ...they are people.