CLINK! Proud of you Auld Soul, welcome to reality.
Happy New year,
about two minutes ago the announcement was made that auldsoul was "no longer one of jehovah's witnesses".
he and jst2laws one minute ago toasted to celebrate.
please join us.
CLINK! Proud of you Auld Soul, welcome to reality.
Happy New year,
i think that every one on this site goes way over the top calling jehovahs wittnesses names you spend more time trying to prove them wrong than you do prasing god.i mean is this your purpose in life.if you no more about the bible than the wittnesses then go straght a head and speak.but dont act like a spoiled brat calling people names.a lot of people on this site will belevae what they want to beleave because it suits there lifestyle lets get to the root of whats realy in your hearts
Hi PMJ! Welcome, hope you stay around. I am not a JW nor ever was, but have some family who are and I came here to find out why they do some things they do. Personally, if it is a God-led organization, as proclaimed, I do not understand the Shunning. Jesus did not teach that as one of the virtues to live by. Also, you say you read the Bible, but I have learned, not just from this website, but by my own research, that the WTS Bible has been changed to reflect just what they want it to say. My nephew was brought into the JW organization with a regular, good ol' King James version but soon changed to the NWT, a very poorly flawed 'bible'. I don't even like to call it a bible.
I would strongly suggest you go to a bookstore and get the Bible that has been used by Christians forever and compare it; you will see for yourself.
Please stay around, it is nice to have a fresh personality on board!
i have a friend who backed out of scientology way back when hubbard was still alive.
we go to lunch together quite often here at work.
we have often commented about the great similarity & difficulty between breaking away from wt and from the scientologists.
Interesting post, James. My husband's cousin was named for L. Ron Hubbard because his parents were
early followers and personal friends. This would have been in 1950, in the Denver, or at least, Colorado
area. I need to research Hubbard's history and see if this is correct, but it is what we have always been told,
and these parents were kind of guru-like, free spirits. They didn't 'get into' Scientology, or at least didn't stay
with it, but went with some other offbeat cult-like group.
[edited: links have been removed from this post.].
i hestitated to write this on xmas day and i hate to get anyone down, but i hope you understand and maybe send prayers my way.. .
dear friends i don't know how to even put my pain in words, or my great loss.
No words can express my sympathy for you. Take care and God bless you at this most difficult time.
hey guys.... please join me in an officially welcoming a good friend of ours....proteus!
he's especially in need of our love and support right now!
Proteus, Welcome, you'll like it here. or else!
my beloved grandmother is dying.
i am going to see her and i will have to drive 1000 miles by myself.
i'm hoping i'll be able to keep it together.. i would really appreciate it someone could send some thoughts and/or prayers to my grandmother and i.. thank you.
Vaya con Dios (go with God). Please know that others are praying and thinking of you
and your grandmother at this difficult time. If you have the opportunity to say a prayer
aloud to her or with her, Please do. We never know how much a dying person can
know or hear, but you will also feel the peace in doing so.
Take care,
i have come to this website/forum looking for friendship and guidance along with a bit of support.
i hope here i can learn more about jehovah.
my family is soo against it, and i hope i can gain more knowledge here, for i am thirsty for it.
Hello and welcome to the forum ! I'm a mom and my daughter was about your age when she began dating a witness; that is why I came to the internet to learn about them. Let me first say if family is important to you at all, please take your time and read all the postings here. Family values as a JW are much different than family values as a Mormon....or as any other group. But if you value your family, you will listen to their concerns with an open mind.
My daughter loved this boyfriend, but I told her about my concerns, the blood policy; the way they changed the Bible to remove Jesus as Divine; the holidays, of course, is a big deal. We agreed that the way most of us celebrate the holidays is not always good, much too commericalized, etc. but we also saw that the Bible actually does not tell us we are not to celebrate holidays. The fact that they have pagan origins is a good thing. The Christians were smart and took those pagan celebrations, taught the pagans about following Christ, and used the celebrations in a positive way. That way, the pagans did not resent the new teachings, and were much more open to following Christ...and Christians were able to have some fun, too!
JW's are taught a very repressed way to follow Jehovah. Please take your time, and feel free to send me a message anytime. I'd be happy to talk to you one on one. My daughter is grown, married someone else, but I happen to have a niece and nephew who are JWs. They are the nicest people in the world and have the best intentions, but they have blinders on and follow the teachings of the Watchtower writings instead of the actual word of the Bible.
Maybe you have issues with what Mormons teach. That is OK. You should question everything you are taught, you sound like a bright girl. Find your own way! But be sure and question, question, question the things you read from the WTS...look them up in a Bible, any Bible rather than their version...and read on when a verse is the entire chapter, then say, "Is that what the writer intended us to believe, or could there be another way to look at this?"
Take care.
hi guys, haven't posted in a while, but i don't see this topic covered: is anyone else out there as christmas retarted as me?
i feel so awkward stumbling over the words "merry christmas" to friends.
also, who do you buy for?
Interesting topic. Since I was never a JW I have a different perspective. Do you know that most people would have no idea the stress that JWs live with? I have such empathy for JW kids especially. And for you exJW's...people just have no clue what it must be like. The (ex) JW that my daughter dated gave her a Christmas present...she was so impressed, he used comic pages paper to wrap it in. I bet he was not able to cross that line in his mind into the Christmas paper thing...this gave him a way out of having to use paper with Santas or Greetings all over it.
Also on holidays, he gave her something the day before, like Valentine's..her birthday, etc. She finally understood when I explained the twisted teachings he grew up with.
The sad thing always, to me, was that he got pulled into JWs when he was in Kindergarten...Not that I am a big Santa fan...but can you imagine, a little kid who did grow up waiting for Santa, birthdays, be suddenly told they are bad and that is the end of that? Talk about child abuse~
and remember...only FIVE more DAYS til ...HOLIDAY~!
What a nice tribute. We lost our old doggy of 18 years and cat of 19 years
both this year. Very hard to say goodbye.
last night, i started thinking about the new year.
2006 is on its way.. i started thinking about what i was thinking more than ten years ago.
i thought that if we made it to the new millenium, we wouldn't make it too far past.
Aarque, all I can say is I wish you a very Happy New Year ! You deserve it. Go welcome that
stepson home with open arms!