i think that every one on this site goes way over the top calling jehovahs wittnesses names you spend more time trying to prove them wrong than you do prasing God.i mean is this your purpose in life.if you no more about the bible than the wittnesses then go straght a head and speak.but dont act like a spoiled brat calling people names.a lot of people on this site will belevae what they want to beleave because it suits there lifestyle lets get to the root of whats realy in your hearts
never seen so much hatred
by PMJ 247 Replies latest watchtower bible
think that every one on this site goes way over the top calling jehovahs wittnesses names
EXCUSE ME - - if you read carefully there are quite a few pro-JW and praisers of God on this site. Please dont label people by using over the top phrases like Every one
I have never called a witness a name.
You want to prove a point? Do it in a educated manner. Please spell correctly, and do not speak of something you know nothing of.
lets get to the root of whats realy in your hearts
Good idea! I feel that all people are worthy of dignity and acknowledgement. While I may not have kind things to say about certain organizations (including the Watchtower), I don't have much unkind to say about individuals. For the most part, individual people care about other people, treat them well, and want nothing but happiness for them.
What's your take on it? Has that been your experience?
Welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy your stay.
ill say sorry for my spelling.and im sorry if i offended any one.that wasnt what i intended.i just think there is a lot of bad talk about the wittnesses.and as far as not nowing anything i wouldnt dream of coming on this site if i didnt no my bible
I love Jehovah, but don't understand the Org. that pretends to represent him.
i think that every one on this site goes way over the top calling jehovahs wittnesses names you spend more time trying to prove them wrong than you do prasing God.i mean is this your purpose in life.if you no more about the bible than the ;wittnesses then go straght a head and speak.but dont act like a spoiled brat calling people names.a lot of people on this site will belevae what they want to beleave because it suits there lifestyle lets get to the root of whats realy in your hearts
You need to focus on obtaining remedial education instead of criticizing folks on this site.
there is a lot of bad talk about the wittnesses
Yeah, that's true. There's some that support it, too, but most don't. But we have reasons for feeling this way.
You mentioned that you know your Bible. The JW's think they know theirs. So much so that they call their interpretation of it "The Truth".
What's weird is that "The Truth" has changed many, many times. In fact, what was "truth" only 20 years ago would get you disfellowshipped for apostasy today. Doesn't that seem strange?
Some of the JW doctrines directly lead to people dying, lying their view of blood. Some people on this site have lost friends or family to the doctrine. So there is some understandable anger and frustration directed at the Watchtower.
Do you think it's reasonable to be angry with the Watchtower over things like this?
lets get to the root of whats realy in your hearts
Well, for starters, a fiendish desire to control the world.
I would like to off all minorities, I think Aryan men represent the Supreme Race. Everyone else, especially dirty Jews should DIE BITCH.
I would like to buy a billboard on every mile of Highway 99 that says, "The left lane is for passing, bitch!"
I'll try to think of some others. I'm so glad you care, no one here has ever cared enough to ask about whats realy in my heart.