After I posted, I recalled something worth sharing. A long time friend of mine has a JW sister,
actually all her family took up w. the Jdubs as adults, except for her. She was having a hard time dealing with all their rules about not celebrating birthdays, etc. One day we mentioned that our birthdays were only one day apart, and 2 other friends of ours have April birthday as well. Thus we formed the "Birthday Sisters" group. We have met every year, sometime in April, to celebrate; usually with a lunch, sometimes shopping, sometimes attending a special event, or whatever comes up. We each take turns, and it is sometimes the only time during the year that we all get together. But we share each others' family crises and concerns throughout the year via emails and phone calls. We have been celebrating for 23 years now! YIKES! BUT, isn't that awesome, something good sprang from the JW cult effects.
Happy Birthday to all birthday brothers and sisters, especially those celebrating for the FIRST TIME~