My hugs and prayers to you sweetheart. From my experience those are two necessary things to get anyone through anything.
JoinedPosts by dorothy
Please say a prayer for us...
by morty inmy husbands grandmother as been diagnosed with full blown ovary cancer.
they fear that she also has it in her stomach as well.
they are trying to get her to the or tonight in order to operate on her right away.
by badboy in.
must dash,got a seat booked at the minibus cafe!.
my driver will be coming for me any moment now!.
If it doesn't gossip, it's not a Jehovahs' Witness
by SMD inhiya, im want to no about relationships in your community, its just im in love with this grl and shes in lover wid me, but she jhovas whitness, is there any way of gettin rnd the fact she jehovas whitness so we can tell her parents and go out properly??
Don't know about love honey, but I recently took a dubbie guy for a roll in the hay, if you know what I mean. The next best thing and all...
Then again he was "on a break" from religion. (sigh)
The way to get the jw's goat!
by gypsywildone inthe way to stick it to the borg is not self defeating behaviors.
it's not smoking a cigarette, & saying "nah,nah,nah look at me".
it is not putting yourself at risk in risky sexual acting out.
"The best revenge is living well" , as the old adage goes.
Evil Christmas!!!!!!
by Gill inwould you believe that i just got told off my a born again christian minister whose daughter goes to school with my daughter.. he knew that i was an ex jw and that we were celebrating christmas this year and proceeded to give me the full pagan origins thing, and people getting into debt, and it having nothing to do with jesus birth!
then there's the people who let themselves go morally at christmas parties and drink and drive and.........etc.. i thought only jw's would dress someone down like that.
i politely nodded at him and smiled kindly at his preaching.. aaaah!
I once heard a clip of Drew Carey going on about how Christmas had nothing to do with Jesus. Apparently it was a bit he did for the queen when he went to England. Good grief.
Holiday Eating Tips
by Kaethra inhappy holidays everyone
holiday eating tips
1. avoid carrot sticks.
A whole new philosophy to live by....
My brother was committed last week
by hoodwinked inmy brother, a long time witness who has been disfellowshipped, shunned and treated like shit by the witnesses for the 10 yrs has been committed to a phsyciatric wing of our local hospital.
he has been having delusions saying he has been chosen by jehovah and will be taken up by the archangels in to heaven.
he has also been hearing voices of demons and and blames satan for being responsible for all the troubles he has had in that past 5 yrs or so.
I grew up with a mother who had / has schizophrenia. It is ESSENTIAL to maintain close contact with him so he will not get "lost in the shuffle" and end up downtown, filthy and muttering to himself until he freezes to death. trust me, this happens fast. He needs to get treatment. And I strongly recommend not "getting him on welfare" as someone else suggested. He has a disability and should get help applying for a pention. If he goes on welfare he'll be stuck living in a room someone and will fall into the homeless / streetperson lifestyle. I'm not trying to stereotype here or say people on welfare are any certain way. But people with mental illness often wind up in deplorable situations without help from family.
Subliminal pictures in the WTS artwork ??
by bull01lay injust been looking through ebay - and came across this.
anyones seen these sort of things before ??.
Is it just me, or does this come up here every few months?
Your favorite JW made-up word
by dorothy in.
ok, they have lots of "witnessy" sayings.
but the best is the words they keep making up.. mine is "super-fine apostles" (from an awake a few months ago).
Ok, they have lots of "witnessy" sayings. But the best is the words they keep making up.
Mine is "super-fine apostles" (from an Awake a few months ago). What's yours?
Say Something Jehovah's Witnessy........
by minimus ini know there's no such word as "witnessy" but this can be a fun thread.
"Do you need to change?"
This was said to me when I showed up for service wearing pants.I replied with a simple, polite "No." I was prompty driven home, and that was the last time I ever showed up for service again. It was - 28 C!