Just been looking through ebay - and came across this
Anyones seen these sort of things before ??
by bull01lay 35 Replies latest jw friends
Just been looking through ebay - and came across this
Anyones seen these sort of things before ??
OK, so you can't click on the link to find the item !! Bugger !!
Do a search for Jehovah, and view the one entitled "Jehovah's Witnesses leaked subliminal Watchtower Art"
Spooky stuff !!!
maybe i did something but it said that item was invalid or no longer available or something....
edited to add...did the search...saw those pics before....yes they are really weird and I do believe someone up there is addign these pictures in the artwork...if not...it is like HUGE coincidences which i doubt.....of course they will say...this is just Satan trying to distract the loyal ones....whatever
Bloody thing won't let me embed it either. Aaaaaargh!!!!!
I found it using the search feature that someone suggested.
I copied and pasted the listing so we'll see if it comes out in this post. If you scroll down there are more pictures. It is rather interesting what this character says about his ebay account being hacked. Here goes...
Hi there.
PLEASE NOTE: This auction is listed under the strict rules and regulations of E-bay and falls within all the requirements as listed by E-bay for selling an item. The images are genuine and the cd is genuine and all facts are true and as I informed the Watchtower, I am the copyright owner of the subliminal images; images they say do not exist and I have that in writing from the Watchtower in London.
If the images were NOT TRUE! Say that had been deliberately manipulated to make them ?Look like? what they are, ?then myself and other people around the world who have distributed this cd would be sued for immense legal damages, liable and slander! The truth of the matter is: we can?t be taken to court because the subliminal images secretly incorporated in to their publication are all genuine, and are meant to be and represent exactly what you see on the cd rom!
Having checked other E-bay auctions for Satan and satanic related items, (not that I am in to this sort of thing at all,) there are many listed like the Satanic Bible and so on with no problems, but in order not to offend anyone, I have altered the wording below. So if you have any enquiries or questions, please contact myself and do not complain to E-bay.
If you do not wish to buy the cd, then do not look at this listing. Thank you.
IMPORTANT! In the three times that I have listed this item, there has been three attempts to stop this listing, each time getting more advanced, the last being someone HACKED in to my ebay account, ebay were brilliant and protected my account for me. Someone has spent a great deal of time and effort and went to great lengths to disrupt this listing, I wonder why? Remember, ebay NEVER ask you for personal information, neither does your bank!
Firstly I would like to say a massive thank you to the droves of genuine Jehovah's witnesses, individuals and families who have e-mailed demanding answers! And rightly so, You people have every right in the world to know what is going on within the organisation you dedicated yourselves to! You have every right to know exactly what it is you are taking in to millions of innocent people's homes and exposing their families and children to! After all?..
?How would you feel to find out that seemingly innocent literature coming into your home was a front for the Occult? And that you and your family could be influenced by images that are planted in your mind unbeknown to you. This is called Subliminal Advertising; using secondary imagery, covertly concealed in a larger picture or painting which is illegal in the UK and by most governments as they are already fully aware of its power to affect the mind and influence a persons thinking and decision making. And just as the cd says, and which I totally agree with, NO children should be allowed to view ANY Watchtower publications because you simply don't know how subliminal imagery affects the vulnerable mind. Why do you think subliminal advertising is illegal? With the images being exposed as they are on the cd rom, there is no subliminal danger as as you can now see what your mind has been exposed to over the years!
Watchtower quote: "When persons are in great danger from a source that they do not suspect or are being mislead by those they consider their friends, is it an unkindness to warn them? They may prefer not to believe the warning. They may even resent it. But does that free one from the moral responsibility to give that warning?" WT Jan 1974 page 35
The cd contains 50 of the most astounding subliminal images anyone has ever seen from one painting in the 1995 Jehovah's witness Knowledge book, page 35. The CD contains 70 images altogether with a full picture description and instructions.
The £2.00 $4.00 flat rate charge is for material costs and postage anywhere in the world. I accept Paypal of cheque. If posting a cheque, please send it to; Paul Kevin, C/O Bridge Books & Music, 14 North Bridge Street, Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, SR5 1AB, England.
The Watchtower have produced and distributed what have been described by a professional artist and photographic experts as the most shocking subliminal images they have ever seen. I personally had these images examined by the top people I could find, (I was there when this was done,) and they themselves were greatly disturbed at what they saw and by the meaning of the images and stated to me, they had never seen nothing like this before on this scale in one painting, in their life!
What you see on the cdrom, everything on there, is easily seen using a mirror on the book! But as the professional artists said, this is not just simple reflective symmetry! This is using mirrors EITHER side of the painting at once, but not only that, the entire inner section of the WHOLE painting can "split apart" and has been deliberately constructed in this way to show a number of highly detailed mirrored images, both in normal view and UPSIDE DOWN! which can be viewed as individual pictures, all showing completely different images of satanic worship.
Get two mirrors and hold them facing inwards at either side of the painting on page 35 of the Knowledge book. Looking in to this "double mirror," you see the subliminal scripture Revelation 4 verse 6 and 7 Examine the "triple sized image" below in detail and then read Revelation 4 verse 6 and 7 It is perfect in all detail. 24 elders surroundingte throne, 4 living creatures. Lion in the tree, upper right, young bull, (Ram/goat) in the sick mans clothes, lower right. Third creature has a face like a mans, made from the leaves, upper left (look in the goaty beard) and the forth, lower left is like a flying eagle, bird shaped head made from the rock and the boys.
This is what one person had to say: I was blown away by page 35 when I used a mirror and saw the images for real i.e. not computer pictures, this was amazing and we went on to look at the other pages in the knowledge book. We got to p67 and I saw straight away that Jesus nipple was nothing but an eye and once u know that they are there, you can?t miss it!!
Watchtower quote: "Reasonable persons agree that the only fair method is to examine the evidence on both sides, both for and against a disputed theory. That is how one arrives at the truth." Awake Oct 22 1973 page 6
The public have ever right to view these images and to know what is being brought in to their homes and we encourage everyone to examine this evidence and show others. Friends, neighbours, workmates, teachers, councillors and the media including the UK government and have been shown the evidence. When you see what and how they have done this, you will not want such literature in your home.
Watchtower quote. "Can there be false religion? It is not religious persecution for anyone to say and show that another religion is false. It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion. WT 11 15 1963 page 688
So! how does subliminal imagery work? Visually, the overall picture or painting is seen by the unsuspecting viewer as a lovely scene, maybe a parable or a bible story, but within this seemingly harmless image, the viewer is unknowingly subjected to a barrage of satanic and demonic images lurking unseen by the human eye, and beneath the viewer's level of conscious awareness. These images subliminally seep unnoticed passed the eye and into the subconscious and reside there unknown to anyone who has viewed that picture or painting. One thing's for sure, people ARE affected by subliminal imagery! Subliminal images concealed within larger images, affects the person to the point that they can make decisions, unknown to them that they are actually being deceived by an unseen force, while at the same time thinking to themselves that they have made their own decision or choice, using their own free will. They do not realise or fully understand that they have been unknowingly manipulated, unconsciously influenced and coerced to the point of being deliberately guided in what "they think" is "their" chosen direction or choice.
Due to the nature of these recently leaked subliminal images from the Watchtower headquarters, which clearly shows many images of worship to Satan. On no account should anyone especially children be allowed to view ANY publications produced and distributed by the Watchtower through Jehovah's witnesses.
Decent people across the world who have now seen these images exposed, have become greatly concerned by what the Watchtower have been doing to them and millions of innocent people and children on a global scale for decades, and so have been moved to act and inform others. To examine these subliminal images for yourselves and to protect your family and loved ones, please see the images for yourself.
Watchtower quote. "Therefore, how will you respond when pointed statements are made about false religious teachings and corrupt practices? Will you immediately condemn the person or organisation making the expose? ... Contrary to what some may think, it is not unkind and unloving to lay bare falsehoods and corruption." WT March 1 1966 p132
This cd and the images it exposes has played a fantastic part in helping the public see the reality of what is really going on within the Watchtower and show Jehovah's witnesses what they are really promoting through the Watchtower's publications. NO ONE can deny these shocking subliminal images! All the professionals who have now examined them in great detail, ALL agree and testify that the subliminal images showing blatant Satanic worship, were deliberately created and secretly encoded in to the painting on page 35 of the Knowledge book. The reason why and by whom is shown on the web site.
All enquiries are strictly private and no information is passed on to third parties, so any witnesses can examine the cd in private without any fear of anyone knowing who they are.
Use a search engine and see saifai or witnesscd for the latest information regarding the recently leaked subliminal images from the Watchtower organisation and make sure your family and loved ones are informed and protected from the images, disguised as colourful magazines and books that are being brought in to your home and subliminally placed in your minds.
Watchtower quote: Knowing these things, what will you do? It is obvious that the true God, who is himself "the God of truth" and who hates lies, will not look with favour on persons who cling to organisations that teach falsehoods. (Palms 31:5; Proverbs 6: 16-19: Revelation 21:8) And, really, would you want to be even associated with a religion that has not been honest with you? Is this life all there is? page 46
Thank you for taking the time to look in to this auction!
And please remember, the feedback is for positive comments only relating to sales and service as a customer receiving an item through ebay, while you may leave positive comments about the cd and the images, see the ones left: it is not to be treat as a discussion forum, thank you.
Any questions at all, please e-mail first! Thanks.
Oh, for crying out loud!!!
I know I live downunder but from where i'm looking, these images look doctored i.e. it's not how they appeared in the publications. Adding a mirror image is adding to "the truth" isn't it?
Or is it just from where I'm looking?
Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)
I think it is a bunch of crap. I am sure you can find any image if you put a picture up to a mirror, turn it upside down and zoom in on it. Give me a break.
Is it just me, or does this come up here every few months?