I know plenty of well to do business men that have well looking beards, and that
does not stumble any potential customers. The society's reasoning (field service shit) is
a bunch of horse shit! I always wanted one, and never had the guts!
i am a 20 year old baptized wittness who for the past year has been trying to do some serious reserach on all the things i have been made to believe in the wt society.it only makes sense that my research should not only include those in the wt publications and so therefore i need some help:
1. what is everyone's thoughts on society not allowing brothers to wear beards?
i read somewhere that russel(society's first prez) had a beard and the second pres( russel) wanted to completely dissassosiate anything having to do with russel and so therefore outlawed against them.
I know plenty of well to do business men that have well looking beards, and that
does not stumble any potential customers. The society's reasoning (field service shit) is
a bunch of horse shit! I always wanted one, and never had the guts!
i am getting news from jws who have attended the district convention that the drama (which is pre-recorded and played to lip-syncing actors) has a demon-possessed woman with a ?demonic voice?.
can anyone confirm this?
it is said to be pretty creepy sound effect and many jws are uncomfortable when they hear it.
Saw the drama. Thing is I believed Jesus & the apostles. After seeing that drama.... I'm doubting that too!
The demon possed girl went to these apostles & said in the multi demon voice "these are the true followers of the most high" or
something like that. Why would demons exault GOD. Would this not help GOD?
my mom told me yesterday that my friend (while growing up) who is an elder again, (after years of mental problems), came to her house and inquired as to how my family and i are doing.
he said we have become a subject of conversation at a recent get together..... of course, my mother started crying, told him to ask me himself and told him she did not wish to talk about this subject since it severely depresses her.
he backed off but shortly asked again.
I guess were a bunch of closet apostates, can I leave the closet? Not for a while.
I'm praying this money problem will get worse for them, and they cannot even afford paper
for those of you that grew up in the "truth" what did you get to play with/watch on tv?
i keep reading about what you couldn't have or watch so what did you do?
enquiring non jw minds want to know!.
Could not watch fantasy Island (demonism)
Love Boat, Elton John, any science fiction
my mother was telling me how the elder went up on the platform and said how we can't pass donation plates around, we can't sell cookies or do bake drives, we pretty much can't beg for money.
then he said that at the risk of getting himself in trouble, it needed to be said that they don't know what they're going to do, but they need money and contributions.
my mother said that there are very few donating money and the congregation is in continual debt plus all the wealthier people have stopped going....i thought of metatron and knew he'd be delighted to hear another testimonial.
We are leaving about $100.00 for the Kingdom Hall fund (poor areas) & $22.xx to KHAA which pays overseer's insurance & leasing
our congragation money is barely in the + & we have $16,000k in Headquarters as one of those loans which bears no interest & might not
necessarily have to be asked back!
my mother was telling me how the elder went up on the platform and said how we can't pass donation plates around, we can't sell cookies or do bake drives, we pretty much can't beg for money.
then he said that at the risk of getting himself in trouble, it needed to be said that they don't know what they're going to do, but they need money and contributions.
my mother said that there are very few donating money and the congregation is in continual debt plus all the wealthier people have stopped going....i thought of metatron and knew he'd be delighted to hear another testimonial.
As a congregation accountant, I can attestify people leaving about $300.00 each month to World Wide work for about 75 publishers.
Another thing that gets me, is that the Watchtower publications say we are the most honest people on earth, but every collection has
to be done by two brothers to keep us (honest) & everything is checked by elders & overseers! I guess we can;t be that honest
id we have to be tripple checked!!!!!
i have seen many brothers in the jw's including elders & ministerial servants using that silly tower symbol .
in their: bible covers, lapels, tie pins/clips, letterheads (personal) & many many more .
are they not idols?
They slaughtered me symbolically when I have up an education for them!
the rule on having "large gatherings" was stupid.
because some people abused a "christian get-together" that had a lot of people, we could only get together in smaller groups.
I've got a good one for infertile men ot there (feel pity for the jw family that is affected by this rule)
Spern donation is fornication! receiving or giving!!!
i have seen many brothers in the jw's including elders & ministerial servants using that silly tower symbol .
in their: bible covers, lapels, tie pins/clips, letterheads (personal) & many many more .
are they not idols?
Why do we need to be identified? convention badges..........?
i have seen many brothers in the jw's including elders & ministerial servants using that silly tower symbol .
in their: bible covers, lapels, tie pins/clips, letterheads (personal) & many many more .
are they not idols?
Lawsuit protection?