Then why does the spirit not do it today?
Has God Changed?
I thought, WT rule "God never changes" "people do"
have you ever been called before one?
were you ever on one?
what happened???
Then why does the spirit not do it today?
Has God Changed?
I thought, WT rule "God never changes" "people do"
have you ever been called before one?
were you ever on one?
what happened???
Has anyone seen my post on Numbers 5:11-28 If God judged people through miracles, then why is he not doing that today!
He judged those two poor people in the apostles day that sold their property and only gave them half!
Does God do this, or does man?
In numbers, did those men give poison to the accused woman?
In Acts did the apostles kill the couple?
have you ever been called before one?
were you ever on one?
what happened???
As is shown in the Bible, the big Jehovah should be the JC
have you ever been called before one?
were you ever on one?
what happened???
Numbers 5:11-28 11 And Jehovah went on to speak to Moses, saying: 12 "Speak to the sons of Israel, and you must say to them, ?In case any man?s wife turns aside in that she does commit an act of unfaithfulness against him, 13 and another man actually lies down with her and has an emission of semen, and it has been hidden from the eyes of her husband and has remained undiscovered, and she, on her part, has defiled herself but there is no witness against her, and she herself has not been caught; 14 and the spirit of jealousy has passed upon him, and he has become suspicious of his wife?s faithfulness, and she in fact has defiled herself, or the spirit of jealousy has passed upon him, and he has become suspicious of his wife?s faithfulness, but she in fact has not defiled herself; 15 then the man must bring his wife to the priest and bring her offering along with her, a tenth of an e´phah of barley flour. He must not pour oil upon it nor put frankincense upon it, because it is a grain offering of jealousy, a memorial grain offering bringing error to remembrance.
"?And the priest must bring her forward and make her stand before Jehovah. 17 And the priest must take holy water in an earthenware vessel, and the priest will take some of the dust that happens to be on the floor of the tabernacle, and he must put it in the water. 18 And the priest must make the woman stand before Jehovah and loosen the hair of the woman?s head and put upon her palms the memorial grain offering, that is, the grain offering of jealousy, and in the hand of the priest there should be the bitter water that brings a curse.19
"?And the priest must make her swear, and he must say to the woman: "If no man has lain down with you and if while under your husband you have not turned aside in any uncleanness, be free of the effect of this bitter water that brings a curse. 20 But you, in case you have turned aside while under your husband and in case you have defiled yourself and some man has put in you his seminal emission, besides your husband,?" 21 The priest must now make the woman swear with an oath involving cursing, and the priest must say to the woman: "May Jehovah set you for a cursing and an oath in the midst of your people by Jehovah?s letting your thigh fall away, and your belly swell. 22 And this water that brings a curse must enter into your intestines to cause your belly to swell and the thigh to fall away." To this the woman must say: "Amen! Amen!"23
"?And the priest must write these cursings in the book and must wipe them out into the bitter water. 24 And he must make the woman drink the bitter water that brings a curse, and the water that brings a curse must enter into her as something bitter. 25 And the priest must take the grain offering of jealousy from the woman?s hand and wave the grain offering to and fro before Jehovah, and he must bring it near the altar. 26 And the priest must grasp some of the grain offering as a remembrancer of it and must make it smoke upon the altar, and afterward he will make the woman drink the water. 27 When he has made her drink the water, it must also occur that if she has defiled herself in that she committed an act of unfaithfulness toward her husband, the water that brings a curse must then enter into her as something bitter, and her belly must swell, and her thigh must fall away, and the woman must become a cursing in among her people. 28 However, if the woman has not defiled herself but she is clean, she must then be free from such punishment; and she must be made pregnant with semen.the post about jehovah sending panties through the mail is funny.
it reminds me of all the stories at the assemblies and conventions of zealous witnesses rewarded for their dedication.
i never believed any of them.
"I got an email a few months after 9/11 telling how a Bethel biggie at the breakfast table told the family about a brother who had been trying to get a job with some company for some time. He finally got offered the job, but it started the same time as he was supposed to be going to MS school. He asked if he could start a couple of weeks later and the company said no. He had a decision to make, the job or the MS school. Well, the young brother decided to put Jehovah first and turned down the job, even though he had been trying for some time to get on there. He went on to MS school. The first day of the job had the taken it? 9/11. And the company was in one of the towers. Of course this is to impress upon everyone how important it is to put jehovah first and it will safeguard you."
My C.O. told this story last week on his "put jehovah first" speech to the young ones. We go to a foreign language congregation, but guess what? He said the speech in english to reach the young ones!
P.S. he referred to carreers as "lucrative" and "do not bring any rewards", all those people are "unhappy"
I felt sorry for the young guys in the cong. But they had to listen to this for an hour!
the post about jehovah sending panties through the mail is funny.
it reminds me of all the stories at the assemblies and conventions of zealous witnesses rewarded for their dedication.
i never believed any of them.
I've had experiences at the assemblies and I've been in the back while others practiced theirs in front
of the Overbeer. Guess what? They are all brushed and covered with honey to "encourage"
Others would call it exaggerating! Lying!
in tonights service meeting the speaker said "happy new year"...... not the worldly one, as that would be wrong!.
but, happy new service year!
today is the 1st day of that year!
In Tonights Service meeting the speaker said "happy new year"...... Not the worldly one, as that would be wrong!
But, happy new service year! Today is the 1st day of that year!
throughout my teen years when my doubt was high and my hesitancy to commit was even higher, my father always told me that no life in the world could ever compare to life in the "truth".
he said the peace and joy jw's experience in their lives is better than anything i could find out there in "satans world".
he also constantly threw out the statistic( as he is a bullshit artist) that witness marriages have less than a 5% divorce rate, as compared to 50% outside the "truth".
My In-laws treat each other like they are divorced... But they are not legally, and they are in good standing in the Cong!
jw doctrine teaches that the 1,000 years of christ corresponds to "judgment day," and everyone who has not already been judged will be resurrected from the dead.
the exceptions would be those who died during the flood, the destruction of sodom and gomorrah, and a few odd individuals.
but that's only the people living today.
Time is ticking, we are adding xx every second!
Jehovah is delaying Armagheddon in order for more to be saved
jw doctrine teaches that the 1,000 years of christ corresponds to "judgment day," and everyone who has not already been judged will be resurrected from the dead.
the exceptions would be those who died during the flood, the destruction of sodom and gomorrah, and a few odd individuals.
but that's only the people living today.
I believe the numbers given, Families before our baby boom generation had between 8 to 13 children (not to mention the 2 to 4 dead before age 2)
Multiply those for all those 6,000+ years. If was not for war and famine today we would be 100bil + !