I have seen alot of elder politics in my lifetime (red tape, and if you go against them you're f'd)
Example: I have an elder that does the WT, and he runs 10 mins late 90% of the time, and still does the review. 2 weeks ago we had the meeting between elders/MS's/and C.O.
Well the C.O. was telling us how the School and service meeting can run late real easy if we do not check ourselves after every talk. After that he asked us all (including MS's) "Does this happen here?"
Nobody said a peep, so I raised my hand and said "Honestly it does not, but the WT is late quite alot!". At that instant an elder (not the WT conductor) raised his hand and said that it was not so, and
maybe it happened in 1 or 2 deep studies!
He basically not only lied, but called me a liar by proxy! I should of slapped him right there!
Do, elders have neither the holy spirit, nor truth, but they are a club of elite where if they cover each other's asses they will do whatever they want!