Using military gear!
using military gear!
Using military gear!
what do you think the biggest contradiction was in jw teaching or logic?
i remember people confronted us with the argument that maybe over thousands of years the bible has changed, we would probably say any changes were minor, and we have the dead sea scrolls etc that don't vary much from the bible today.
yet when asked by people with a little knowledge about the bible why the name jehovah was not in any manuscripts of the new testament, we would effectivly says its because they have been changed over time.
the "truth"
and all those click/buzz words
what do you think the biggest contradiction was in jw teaching or logic?
i remember people confronted us with the argument that maybe over thousands of years the bible has changed, we would probably say any changes were minor, and we have the dead sea scrolls etc that don't vary much from the bible today.
yet when asked by people with a little knowledge about the bible why the name jehovah was not in any manuscripts of the new testament, we would effectivly says its because they have been changed over time.
that we have "free will." not if you're a JW!
"The Jw response is that you have the free will to adhere to Jehovahs' organization and receive everlasting life, or to go along with worldly standards and be destroyed. See.....You DO have a choice. Once you're in though, the only choices you have are the gray areas, such as going to PG-13 movies or not. Now THAT'S true freedom. Integ." Well if you read the account of Jehovah -vs.- Pharoah of Egypt you will notice that the writer says that Jehovah put "xx" "xx" in pharoah's heart. And he made the israelites turn around after reaching the ocean to make the pharoah think they were lost. For what reason? So that phroah would go after them and Jehovah would glorify himself! I guess Pharoah had no free will, because everything pointed out in the chapters seems like Jehovah baited him to act certain ways!
since the elder is out i have to conduct tonight!.
any suggestion on subtle little comments i can get away with when we study page 143 thru 147?
RR: ""What does the Society say ...""
According to instructions given to us we are to NOT say this when asked about whether we believe in something or not to do something. We are to say "the bible says so!"
Also I just wanted to say that my best talks (get those "what a beautiful talk, brother xxxx") including #1 are when I copy word for word what is written in the publications
growing up in the 70,s and 80,s i remember at the dc in twickenham ,london ,the 1 item of food that was always liked by us kids was a slice of melon!!
i think they were about 4 tickets each (??
)...i must have been very easily pleased because that was a rare highlight... (i never liked the drama much even as a kid).. i dont have too many bad memories of the religion,but i think that even little things like doing away with food at conventions made me question what the hell i was doing in it.
I miss those sundays! Queens, NY (greenpoint assy hall) will never be the same!
Was there when we tore down the machine, and took home some of the jars!
Gadget, do you know pishadell?
Some brothers just seem so strong and inteligent. Makes me doubt that they could be so wrong.
The ones that look intelligent do so by arse kissing in order to go up the rank system. When reaching the top there is always someone to impress
in order to get special treatments, even if it's getting a part at the assembly!
i can't stop reading the posts.
i find them very informative.
while i respect all that is here, i still take everything "with a grain of salt.
JW for 35 years, married and stuck!
since the elder is out i have to conduct tonight!.
any suggestion on subtle little comments i can get away with when we study page 143 thru 147?
I'm back!
By the way I'm counting down the numbers to see at how low it has to get until they change their view on the 144k
lets see there are 7k left? gotta check
since the elder is out i have to conduct tonight!.
any suggestion on subtle little comments i can get away with when we study page 143 thru 147?
I can't remember the words but it's the thing that Jesus said reguarding what diffrent results one can bring