WOW!!!! You guys are so awesome!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your generosity!! I got to meet Andi and Mark last night and have a wonderful dinner curtesy of Nina! Yumm Thank you guys so much for the help and support. It was so strange to realize how much we really do need help - something as simple as a blanket is something that we don't have and will need in starting over.
The great news is that I found my stepmom last night and she is fine and her house is fine! She sent word to her mom in NY through a local hospital that she is okay. Her message for me was "don't come home - there is nothing left." It is so sad and overwhelming. And I feel SO SAD for the poor people STILL in the city -- hungry, sick, thirsty, hot and hopeless. It is such a tragedy and makes me feel so grateful and a little bit guilty for the simple things that I do have.
Thanks again so much. I wish I could find enough words to tell you all what your help really means.
You dang bunch of apostates!! You will know them by their works!! Hahaha
Love you guys!!!!