JoinedTopics Started by sixsixsixtynine
Tony Blair 'ashamed and embarassed' by BBC coverage of Katrina
by sixsixsixtynine inok, not his exact words.. lets hope the cbc is a little more 'fair and balanced'..
NASA Cover-Up?
by metatron in
a prominent nasa employee was fired after making claims about covering up ufo's and evidence.
of extraterrestrial buildings on the moon.. this isn't the first time an space agency worker has made a claim like this.. .
Liz Taylor to marry AGAIN....
by zeroday in
tell me it's not true....
What is your favorite Simpsons episode?
by Lloyd Braun inok, so we did the seinfeld thread, now how about homer, marge, bart, lisa and maggie?.
my favorite one has to be the one where bart gets help from homer to read a card at a presentation before mr. burns.. homer: "oooh boy card read good".. .
Time to do more covers! Caption time. Here they are.
by Wasanelder Once inhere are the latest round of covers for your apostafun.
be clever, be clear and larger fonts are best for the videos.. .
ATTN: Sign Language Jezebels! Get those hats back on! (BOE letter)
by BFD inonce again i have been selected as the "chosen channel" of commnuication by an paranoid elder apostate in waiting to spread this divinely inspired information: .
a recent letter to all traveling overseers and bodies of elders in the u.s. contains an interesting "change in policy".
Bill O'Reilly- Restaurant was nice, ''even though it's run by blacks''
by nvrgnbk inseptember 26, 2007 by faiz shakir, amanda terkel, satyam khanna, .
matt corley, ali frick, and jeremy richmond/div> o'reilly surprised restaurant was nice, 'even though it's run by blacks': fox news' bill o'reilly recently dined with the rev.
al sharpton at sylvia's, a famous african-american-owned restaurant in harlem.
America's Madness by John Le Carré
by sixsixsixtynine ininteresting esay from 2003:.
the united states of america has gone mad .
at what cost in american lives?
Iranian leader's opening rant...sounded like a JW
by restrangled init was a total sermon about their (islam) version of god and how he feels about the entire scientific and academia communities.
your take on the whole thing?.