Let's try that again:
JoinedPosts by AvailableLight
"Changes in blood policy"(5/2001 arti...
by sf ina "wow" page:.
< http://bmj.com/cgi/content/full/322/7294/1123.
"Changes in blood policy"(5/2001 arti...
by sf ina "wow" page:.
< http://bmj.com/cgi/content/full/322/7294/1123.
Hey Sirona!
by AvailableLight ini read this in a post you made in a previous thread and i'm interested in what information you presented.
would you share the experience with us?.
as always, it's understood if you can't for some reason.
I read this in a post you made in a previous thread and I'm interested in what information you presented. Would you share the experience with us?
As always, it's understood if you can't for some reason. I apologize if you've already written and I missed it; in that case, just point me to the thread.
In a meeting with my elders 18 months ago, I presented information that they could not refute. They were SCARED. Very Scared. It was strange to see two grown men in tatters over questions by a young girl like me!
NEWS: I am publicly reproved over UN situation.
by badwillie inmy wife and i met with 3 elders for a "judicial hearing".. our crime: simply put, was talking.
i showed a friend the un website where the wts was listed as an ngo which then led to a 2 hour discussion of various doubts that we both have had.
my wife also showed a friend the un thing but also discussed with her a first hand account of a pedophile cover-up that we knew about in our former congregation.
Is there any option to appeal a decision to publicly reprove? I can't think of any justifiable reason (even following JW logic) why looking at the UN website could possibly be wrong.
This sounds like a case that is being seriously mishandled. To avoid making waves, it might be best for you to let it go; however it does not appear that these brothers are following procedure.
It sounds as though they are leaning on their own understanding of what constitutes apostasy or independent thinking and acting hastily, and not at all with a view to 'building up.'
As far as I am aware, simply having a doubt or asking a sincere question about an issue that one is troubled by is not wrong. If you'd like, I can try to search for references in the WT and other literature from the Society that support this.
I am sorry that you and your wife are being stressed with this ludicrious decision. It is in fact something that myself and another very close friend are struggling with. How hypocritical that articles printed in the WT often critize other Christian religions for the way the leaders of those religions treat members when members have doctrinal or other questions. In reality, the WTS is actually worse: Instead of simply ignoring the questions those who ask them are punished.
What is going ON?
by Aintthatcute infirst of all: i am new and have been lurking for about 2 weeks.
glad i got that out of the way.. something that really bothers me is: when they say that the gb all the way down, elders, and ministerial servents are "appointed" by jehovah, and are deserving of "double honor".
Thanks for sharing that experience. Always enjoy your dead-on insights and experiences.
What is going ON?
by Aintthatcute infirst of all: i am new and have been lurking for about 2 weeks.
glad i got that out of the way.. something that really bothers me is: when they say that the gb all the way down, elders, and ministerial servents are "appointed" by jehovah, and are deserving of "double honor".
Thanks for sharing that experience. Always enjoy your dead-on insights and experiences.
by AvailableLight infrom addendum to crisis of conscience (1995).
for chapter 12. available http://www.freeminds.org/history/franz_ad.htm.
what then is the significant difference?
Carl Olaf Jonsson?
What's his story?
Seems they'd have stopped referencing 1914 altogether if they have been planning to do away with it completely. But as mentioned several times before, it doesn't seem as though they have much of a choice but to make some serious "adjustments" to it.
by AvailableLight infrom addendum to crisis of conscience (1995).
for chapter 12. available http://www.freeminds.org/history/franz_ad.htm.
what then is the significant difference?
Very interesting points everyone, thanks!
Curiously enough, if the 1914 doctrine is to be abolished, there still seems to be some work to do in changing minds of those holding positions on the GB.
Last week's WT study made a passing reference once again to the 1914 date, though it was not an elaborate explanation. That article was likely composed 6-8 months ago, and likely written in bits and pieces throughout the last 25 years (after all, WT articles are mostly cut and paste jobs of previous articles, right?).
Anyway, it will be quite fascinating indeed to see what happens to the 1914 doctrine and if another mass exodus (much like the one in '75) accompanies changes to it.
I wonder if it would be possible to retro-fit Bible prophecy to more current historical events, such as the Sept. 11th tragedy.
If so, this would involve minimal work as many software editing systems have search and replace functions - just swap every occurrence of 1914 with 2001. That would surely buy another 80-100 years, and could make older publications to seem prophetic.
Now, what to do with all those copies of publications sitting around in people's homes in print...
by AvailableLight infrom addendum to crisis of conscience (1995).
for chapter 12. available http://www.freeminds.org/history/franz_ad.htm.
what then is the significant difference?
From Addendum to Crisis of Conscience (1995)
For Chapter 12
Available http://www.freeminds.org/history/franz_ad.htm
What then is the significant difference? It is that now, to qualify as part of "this generation," a person need no longer to have been alive in 1914 to form part of "this generation." Anyone can see the supposed sign of Christ's presence at any time -- even if for the first time now in the 1990's, or for that matter in the next millennium -- and still qualify as part of "this generation." This allows the phrase to float free of any starting date and reduces considerably the need to explain away the embarrassing length of time that has elapsed since 1914, and the rapidly diminishing ranks of persons who were alive at that date.
I understand this explantion.
(The arrival of the year 2014 could, however, still present a problem.)
Okay, why? I seem to be missing something.
Why are JWs scared of death?
by NikL ini have been thinking a lot lately about death.
this is not surprising considering the turn of events on the 11th.. i have been re-awakened to the transient nature of human life and how it can go in the blink of an eye.
as the bible says life is vanity and a striving for the wind.. with all of the talk about world war 3 and how dangerous this world has become, i have been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster this past week.. the fear of dying is a normal and basic emotion.
More seriously though, that particular resurrection teaching is a difficult one to swallow for many, particularly a couple who has spent many years together.
Equally difficult to explain (*especially* to a Bible student) is how wonderful it will be for them to be reunited with their mate without being remarried to their mate.
Just one single reason why some get their hearts set on living right on through "this system of things."