15,177 partakers, 7.5% increase over previous year, if this growth rate is maintained it will take 32 years for the number of partakers to reach 153,552.
Houston, we have a problem!
the 2016 yearbook is now on the official site.
it has been added to the archive of all prior yearbooks.
15,177 partakers, 7.5% increase over previous year, if this growth rate is maintained it will take 32 years for the number of partakers to reach 153,552.
Houston, we have a problem!
this is a great video.
i think it's his best work so far.
everything you ever wanted to know about 607 in 30 minutes.
i highly recommend you watch this video.. it is superbly researched.
you know all the things in this video already--but.
watching it will create an impression on you which.
jehovah church faces flood of sex abuse cases.
"a woman who was abused from the age of four by a senior officer of the jehovahs witnesses has lodged a 500,000 claim for compensation in a test case that could open the door to hundreds more suits involving members of the religious organisation in the uk.".
"The abuse was ignored because of misguided loyalty to "the absolute authority of the Catholic Church""
Sound familiar?
jehovah church faces flood of sex abuse cases.
"a woman who was abused from the age of four by a senior officer of the jehovahs witnesses has lodged a 500,000 claim for compensation in a test case that could open the door to hundreds more suits involving members of the religious organisation in the uk.".
“An Uncomfortable History”
“The Report of the Commission to Inquire Into Child Abuse reveals an uncomfortable history of Ireland,” says The Irish Times. According to the newspaper, this report uncovers a history stained by the systematic abuse of children in Catholic religious institutions, ranging from “beating children whose crime it was that lice had infested their heads” to sustained sexual abuse. The abuse was ignored because of misguided loyalty to “the absolute authority of the Catholic Church,” says the paper. “Shame on You, Government and Church,” said a headline in the Times, quoting the words of one who sympathized with the victims.
Awake April 2011 page 27
i did not know anything about ttatt while attending the meetings.. .
ttatt=the truth about the truth..
Had doubts, researched on internet, ordered Crisis of Conscience from Amazon, couldn't put it down, read it in two days, made my decision, never went to another meeting. Explained to concerned elders I was taking a sabbatical, which so far has lasted 12 years!
last weekend.
so unbelievably sad.
The talk "Beware of Apostates" commenced at 11.10am and finished at 11.40am on Saturday 31st August. The Scotsman newsflash is timed and dated at 12.24pm on the same day. Coincidence?
in recent weeks the jw’s here in the uk have been setting up their new portable watchtower literature displays in my local town square on a saturday morning.
as they hadn’t knocked on my door for at least five years, and consequently feeling somewhat neglected, i thought that i would pay them a visit instead.. .
the first thing i needed to do was arrange my literature.
jwfacts: fantastic, but only page 14 appears to be printing, not page 15
in recent weeks the jw’s here in the uk have been setting up their new portable watchtower literature displays in my local town square on a saturday morning.
as they hadn’t knocked on my door for at least five years, and consequently feeling somewhat neglected, i thought that i would pay them a visit instead.. .
the first thing i needed to do was arrange my literature.
punkofnice, you have a PM
in recent weeks the jw’s here in the uk have been setting up their new portable watchtower literature displays in my local town square on a saturday morning.
as they hadn’t knocked on my door for at least five years, and consequently feeling somewhat neglected, i thought that i would pay them a visit instead.. .
the first thing i needed to do was arrange my literature.
cantleave and hotspur, you have PMs