Your PC nonsense is just that, PC nonsense, would you like me to head out to jax beach this weekend and take pictures of the young black men wading on the edge of the surf in their oversized clown pants?
The girls wear normal bathing suits and the guys wear heavy denim pants that are cut with the ass part 3 feet long and the legs 6 inches long. They are ridiculous and if a large wave rolled up and pulled them out over their heads they would all drown. The pants are HEAVY and would pull them right down.
You can say 'we don't know what they were wearing' but that is bullshit. If they were young black teenagers they had on the huge pants! Oh wait no they were the ONLY young black men in the entire south to wear well fitting board shorts that would have made it easy to swim. Yeah right whatever it's PC BS and we all know it. Those clothes are NOT designed to WALK in much less swim. And you can take that as a jab against black guys if you want to but the FACT is that NOBODY could swim in them! They aren't designed to work that way and these guys were wading so I'm SURE they were wearing the pants. And you can scream and yell and be a little bitch all you want but we all know it's the truth.
Belts are outlawed in prison that is a big part of this fad the sex part eh I dunno maybe maybe not but I have never seen anyone put forward that it started with frat boys. I work in Gainsville and have to drive down frat row and you know what I never see the white guys dressed like that. THey all look like hippy pot heads and most of them look one hair off a bum but they do have on well fitting pants. Now that might be because they all ride scooters and bikes and you can't do that with the big pants.
I didn't STAY in corrections because of the hate and racism I saw. You ding dongs are like mkr's a racist mkr's a racist. No, I'm not and my best friends are black and mexican so your foolish words won't bother me. I'm just as pissed of at the AZ law as you I think that non criminal illegals should be offered citizen ship, I think that Fox should have to take "news" off of their channel. But I'm NOT PC and when I see people acting STUPIDLY they I get pissed. What I hate and I mean HATE is stupidity. I don't care if you are fluorescent tan color you act like an ass I'm pissed off! So that said Black kids don't learn to swim that is a FACT the FACT is also that you don't need a pool or swimming lessons all you need is the desire. My dive buddy is a Black man (who's last name is Brown thats kinda funny) and he dives and snorkles but he flat out WILL NOT SWIM now ask me to explain THAT. So I said something I thought (and still think) is funny and you have your vagina in a twist about it. Umm... Who cares? Not me thats for sure...