Can I show up wearing just the badge?If you get tired of DC and want to visit the MidWest, I'll set up a DC here.
Sassy, Where were you when i was attending DC's
this badge is for english speaking delegates.
the original size is 8.2 mm (3.25 inches) wide, 5.2mm (2 inches) height.. enjoy the programming.
Can I show up wearing just the badge?If you get tired of DC and want to visit the MidWest, I'll set up a DC here.
Sassy, Where were you when i was attending DC's
here's mine: .
the wackier they seem to me!!!
The less guilt i feel for every little thought or desire i have. Which by the way are normal desires and thoughts. The guilt i felt as a JW was oppresive. I am so relieved now and feel like such a weight has been lifted from me!! It has taken years though to work through the feelings of guilt though and may never forget those feelings of trying so hard but never feeling good enough. Am i alone in this?
anyone read this book?
what's you're reaction, if any, to the basic premis of the book (that the holy grail is ... oops - i don't want to spoil it for those who haven't read it yet).
the author takes a ficticious incident and weaves some little-known yet interesting and provacative facts throughout his story.
I am just starting it. Looks like it will be good just from the first couple of chapters.
Looking for someone to marry Chev?
I would, but the wife says you would have to cook and clkean.
someone mentioned this in one of their posts and i had a flashback.
i remember getting a w on one of my theocratic school talks when i was working on gesturing.
the funny thing about it is that it was given to me by my dad!
Sorry Dear, I didn't mean to traumatize you. I might have been tougher on you as you suggested. I promise never to give you another "W"!!!!
Love You,
well, let's try posting a topic.
one of the things i felt i missed out on while i was a witness, other than wild sex when young is higher education.
i quit hs to pioneer and now have just recently finished a college degree and am still working on my masters, but i find myself resenting that i have had to do this all at night and while in my forties.
well, let's try posting a topic.
one of the things i felt i missed out on while i was a witness, other than wild sex when young is higher education.
i quit hs to pioneer and now have just recently finished a college degree and am still working on my masters, but i find myself resenting that i have had to do this all at night and while in my forties.
I appreciate everyone's responses. I was not informed that an APA or MLA grammar stlye in posting a topic or response was a requirement. My thought process in posting this topic was to see if others felt that failing to pursue a degree had affected theirs lives in a negative aspect. Finishing my degree provided a sense accomplishment. It also gave closure to a part of life I personally felt was empty because I was taught that such a pursuit was improper.
Valis, my Masters Degree will be a Masters of Science in Computer Technology.
Amazing, apology accepted and for your information i graduate Summa Cum Laude.
well, let's try posting a topic.
one of the things i felt i missed out on while i was a witness, other than wild sex when young is higher education.
i quit hs to pioneer and now have just recently finished a college degree and am still working on my masters, but i find myself resenting that i have had to do this all at night and while in my forties.
well, let's try posting a topic.
one of the things i felt i missed out on while i was a witness, other than wild sex when young is higher education.
i quit hs to pioneer and now have just recently finished a college degree and am still working on my masters, but i find myself resenting that i have had to do this all at night and while in my forties.
Well, let's try posting a topic. One of the things i felt i missed out on while i was a witness, other than wild sex when young is Higher Education. I quit HS to Pioneer and now have just recently finished a college degree and am still working on my Masters, But i find myself resenting that i have had to do this all at night and while in my forties. I felt as a JW i was discouraged from Higher Education. Does anyone esle feel this resentment?
Well Thank You everyone. Desi's mouth can get her into trouble on occasion. She is a big girl now though. Just a little about myself. I was babtized at 12 and stuck around for ages, mainly to preserve a marriage but as years went on and the stories began changing and aches and pains developed, i realized i was having a life that sucked big time and was ready for some fun. So the marriage ended as i knew it would and i am now living for the present. (PS, don't tell Desi!!) She does not know i like to flirt around. OOOPS i am married again, but not a witness so i can say SEX or talk Politics!!!