Another heart wrenching story from the family destroying religion. So glad I got out over 20 years ago. I hate this cult.
JoinedPosts by HappyDad
Ex-Jehovah's Witness recounts her disfellowshipping and family estrangement in today's Huffington Post. A poignant read.
by Balaamsass2 ina thoughtful read in today's huffington post.
it reminded me of how glad i am that 1st gen and i left the cult together and worked on keeping our closest relationships alive.
it wasn't easy.
How did you find Jehovah's Witness meetings?
by Vanderhoven7 ini personally have only attended a handful of meetings at kingdom halls.
i did not enjoy any of them nor was i impressed by anything that was conveyed.
perhaps others did not find them boring as i did.. nadia viotto has this to say about her experience.
I found the meetings boring even when I was fully indoctrinated. Many of them were led by, and participated in by people who were unqualified to be speaking in public. It was like the original "Amateur Preacher Show".
Serena Williams allegedly baptized this weekend
by neat blue dog in.
not sure if this is fake news or not..
People in that position sometimes make comments like: “I’ve seen what the world has to offer and it’s nothing compared to the truth”. I wouldn’t begrudge her, or others in her position, if that’s how they see it.
Yes, after they have amassed their worldly fortune of $250,000,000 in Serena's case.
Front row seats watching the collapse of watchtower
by Indoubtbigtime ini’m a pimo ministerial servant and i won’t fade because i want to keep my front row seats watching what happens next few years.. my predictions are that this current governing body will slowly die off and the current younger helpers will be the next gb.
they will eventually have new light that they were wrong about 1914 and the overlapping generations.. the new light will be something on the lines of the last days are now because of king of north king of south pushing each other etc etc.
they will do their very best to burry old literature and try to change the past trying to make it sound like they were right all along just as they have done for 150 years now.
Collapse of the organization? Not for a long, long time in my opinion. You are spot on about young ones leaving as soon as they can. I believe the diminishing number of WT members is the real cause of consolidating the Kingdom Halls and selling them off. The WT could see the handwriting on the wall a long time ago and came up with the strategy of reaping the real estate rewards by stealing these building that were built and paid for by the gullible believers. I once was one of them.
it’s all in person and only fully vaxed can go
by Indoubtbigtime in2023 will see a big push to get rank and file back to in person meetings and ministry.
they have opened a can of worms with zoom but what they really want is only in extreme illnesses cases can someone use zoom .
the only problem is they want everyone fully vaccinated which means if you didn’t go for your latest booster in the last several months then you are no longer fully vaccinated and just the same as someone who never accepted any shots right from the start.
From the way you talk, I would say that you are in your early 20's without much life experience. And, you probably still live with your parents. Correct me if I am wrong. A lot of PIMO's would love to be in an unvaccinated position and just let the organization/congregation elders push them out because of not being vaccinated.Trying to fade is hard enough, but you have an ace up your sleeve so to speak. Take advantage of it.
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses attend so many meeting?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inronald curzan ( helper to the teaching committee ) gives a talk on the real reasons jehovah's witnesses should attend meetings.
it looks like the zoom meetings have softened up many witnesses.
many are probably turning off their cameras and zoning out.
Jehovah's Witness already suing Boston over Covid-19 policies files second suit
by Tahoe ina boston police officer who is already part of a suit seeking millions of dollars in damages from boston over its rescinded indoor vaccination requirements today filed a separate suit seeking at least another $2 million because the city fired him last month after rejecting his request for a religious exemption from covid-19 vaccinations.. in his new suit, filed today in suffolk superior court, saviel colon said the city forced him into a "hobson's choice" even though it knew he was a jehovah's witness when it hired him and he began working as a police officer in december, 2019 - and even though he filed all the paperwork the department required for a religious exemption.
colon says the city rejected his exemption request and put him on an unpaid leave in october, 2021, and then fired him last month.. in addition to the "financial and emotional distress" - including headaches, exhaustion and sleeplessness_ - he says he's suffered, colon adds:.
defendant's decision on disciplinary action was embarrassing and was made publicly in front of all his colleagues at the police station.. .
Scratching my head on this one. Since when is the GB allowing a rank and file JW to become a police officer? They carry guns and may have to shoot to kill. This was always a no-no when I was a JW.
I guess I would have to say that Mr. Colon is a sorry excuse of a JW. He wasted his life away when he could have been an excellent janitor or window washer.
Randy Watters
by HappyDad inhey everyone,.
a few months ago, there was a post asking about randy watters.
it seems that there was a lot of speculation as to his health and well being.
Randy has several Facebook accounts. The latest one shows him posting earlier this month.
Randy Watters
by HappyDad inhey everyone,.
a few months ago, there was a post asking about randy watters.
it seems that there was a lot of speculation as to his health and well being.
Hey everyone,
A few months ago, there was a post asking about Randy Watters. It seems that there was a lot of speculation as to his health and well being.
I was going through some posts from my ex JW friends on Facebook and lo and behold, Randy Watters is posting. I was beyond happy to know that he is alive and well.
If you are interested, his Facebook page is Randall Watters.
The length of a public talk
by Farmer Jim1 indoes anyone ever wonder the good they could have done instead of giving a public talk for 45 or 30 minutes?
i remember giving my first public talk aged 18 and even then i was thinking ' this is just me making up half truths trying to blind people with jw propaganda'.
fast forward 15 years to when i gave my final public talk and i was so close to seeding the 30 minutes with ideas that could possibly wake people up but i never had the guts.. in that 30 minutes i could have done so much real good for a person instead of spreading this awful religions dogma.
Little Toe was great! I hope he is doing well in his homeland. If I remember correctly, one of the female posters on here married him. She might have been from Texas and met him on this forum. That was about 2004 or 2005.