Yes I do. And I cringe and look for a way to get away before I say something too off the cuff. I do for my own reasons believe in some form of a higher power, though I'm not sure most religions understand, or are willing to admit to, perhaps an alternate view of the true nature of such a being.
If I ever have dealings with a "religion" in the future, it will be for social reasons only. I will make my own conclusions and decisions about my relationship with and how I view this "higher power", and live with the consequences of it. Anything short of this higher power communicating from a burning bush to me personally is a waste of time.
JWs have completely ruined god-talk/organized religion for me for probably the balance of my lifetime. Even if Christianity is the way, the JW brand of it has turned me off.
I think that on some levels it could be argued that JW theology is actually anti-Christian.