They got rid of food service at assemblies
A little off topic, but I think this was one of their first mistakes. Somehow they forgot the little things that made it at least a little fun to be a jw...or at least bearable.
In any business, there are expenses that you just know you will incur. In other words you have to give the people at least something to keep them happy. Somehow, some beancounter started slashing everything, thinking that it was the spiritual food that made being a jw a fun thing.
There are many things I regret about being a jw. But the fun times I do remember as a jw kid, were the assembly breaks with my friends, scouring for the hoagies danishes chips shasta colas and whatever else and running around the corridors.
Fast forward to today...shorter lunch breaks and people bring there own food. The result: People stay at their seats during breaks, roam and mix less, kids dont run and play as much. People dont mix and laugh as much.
This is only one example. If the people arent happy, a lot of them will ultimately leave.
They have forgotten that you have to keep people at least somewhat have to give them something. What exactly do they offer besides more meetings, fieldservice and personal study. They have succeeded in ripping all things fun from this religion.